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"Hero." I whispered from my bed. 

"Stella!" he exclaimed leaping out his chair. "Do you know what happened?" he asked. 

"It was a seizure. Right before I have one, I smell Mick's cologne before I lose consciousness." I explained. 

"Are you feeling okay?" he questioned. 

"Yeah, it wasn't too bad, I've had worse," I assured the worried man beside me. 

Hero pressed his lips against mine softly before resting his forehead on mine. I ran my fingers through his hair, trying to calm the shaking in Hero. 

"I need to warn you, a video has gone out and major Hollywood media have picked up the story and ran." Hero explained. 

"It's fine," I replied nonchalantly as I picked up my phone to see the true damage.

There were phone calls left for me from numerous people, in my different friend circles. I decided I'd answer them all later and just go ahead to the interview, I had scheduled for today. Serious 

Hero followed me around like a lost puppy as I got ready for the day. First was black Doc Martens, black ripped skinny jeans, and a light pink sweatshirt with my logo on it matching my light pink hair. 

"Would you like to come to the interview?" I asked. 

"Sure, but only if you come to my interview with Jo tomorrow." He replied. I looked at him thoughtfully for a moment. 

"Can we play with the fans and let them try and speculate if we are back together or not?" I questioned. 

Hero smirked down at me. "This is one of the many reasons I love you." he said before kissing me quickly. 

Hero and I walked down to my garage, and I let him drive due to the fact I still wasn't at 100% from last night. To be honest, I felt extremely tired, but one must persevere for the greater good. I have never missed a photoshoot, interview, or anything of the sort and I don't intend on starting now. 

We arrived at the train station and unloaded our pre-packed bags onto our compartment reserved for us. A few Formula 1 fans asked for my picture and signature, but that was it. After the train ride when we arrived in London, the secret that we were arriving was out and fans of Hero were lined up asking for autographs. 

I got some dirty looks from his fans, but let's be real. They don't even stand a chance against me. Never. 

"Welcome to London!" our driver exclaimed. 

"Thank you!" I exclaimed. 

Soon we were off for the Vogue offices where I would be doing an interview with them into my life. When we arrived Hero walked behind me but kept his pink wrapped around my pinky, out of view from any onlookers but giving me some reassurance. 

"Miss Stella, pleasure to see you again!" Edward, who would be interviewing me said as I walked into the building. "And Hero, a pleasure to see you as well!

Edward led us through the halls, to a room where they had just finished setting. I got my mic put in and seated on a large pink couch that Edward sat on the other side so we would both be in view of the camera. Hero, who sat with the crew blew me a small kiss. 

"So, today we have Stella Hamilton, three-time Oscar winner for best costume design, sister of multi Formula 1 champion, our very own Lewis Hamilton, and of course, the mastermind behind S.H. Phoenix. Thank you for being here, Stella!" 

"Thank you for having me." I smiled back. 

"Let's start with fashion. I couldn't help but think you felt betrayed when your brother Lewis, did a collab with Tommy Hilfiger." 

I nodded. "It is no secret betrayal runs deep in my family, but I have no hard feelings toward Lewis because of that." 

"Now, When you were 8 you went to an art school where you studied fashion, then took on an apprenticeship with top designers while you began to build your brand at age 15. You've built a billion-dollar company, but all of us are wondering how in the world could you do this?" 

"Part of it was out of spite, the other part is because I wanted it. Not only do we do Haute Couture, but we dabble into different styles such as equestrian, ballet, cinematic and theatre costume design, and figure skating. Along with that, we have the cosmetic line. I've also invested my money right, and have the right investors." I explained. 

"You truly are an inspiration to many, but from what I hear you also have a bit of a fiery spirit reputation in Hollywood." Edward pointed out. 

I smirked at the camera. "Of course, that's just who I am." 

"Which leads me to ask, about your long term boyfriend Hero Fiennes-Tiffin. You two broke up, but sources tell only Hero could handle you and you him." 

Hero sent me a wink. "Yes, it's true. He callsed me his fiery spirit." I replied. 

"Well, I think many will agree with my, maybe not all his fans, but many would say they miss seeing the two of you playing around in the design house on Sunday morning tea chat with Hero and Stella on youtube." Edward said. 

"You are not alone." I chuckled thinking back to all the crazy things we did. 

"So, S.H. Phoenix, who did you come up with this name? I assume it's Stella Hamilton for the S.H." He asked. 

I shook my head. "S is for Stella, Phoenix reminded me of firery spirit, and H is for Hero." I explained softly. 

I looked up to see Hero's mouth open as he raised an eyebrow. "I never told him, that's how I named the company. He was my rock, there for me when the exponential growth was happening, so I feel like I owe part of it to him." I explained. 

"That's actually really sweet," Edward replied. After talking fashion a bit more, the subject switched to Formula 1. 

"Recently you've been around Formula 1 drivers more and sources tell me you and Lando Norris had something going on." 

I shook my head again. "Lando and are close friends. I'm not really in a position to be dating someone right now, as I am in a relationship." 

"Ok. Now, your brother Lewis dedicated his Championship to you this year, do you have any plans to do some collab or something with him?" 

"Lewis has been my walking advertisement since I first started. 90% of the time, the suits and outfits you see him wearing are mine. His style is not my style, so I don't see a collab in the coming season, but possibly in the future." I said. 

"Do you have a favorite driver?" Edward asked. "Mine has to be Daniel Ricciardo." 

"Oh, Daniel is awesome. I've never been around him and not be laughing within five minutes, but I'll have to go with Charles. Who I would love to make an ambassador for my company because he is the look I want." 

"Charles Leclerc, the new face of S.H. Phoenix taking Hero's spot as number one ambassador?" 

I looked past the Camera to see Hero clenching his jaw and fist while staring me down daring to answer. I thought for a moment, before turning back to Edward. "Of course not. Hero will always be my number one." I replied. 

We continued talking about Formula 1 and my opinion on it for about ten more minutes before he wrapped up with a final question. 

"Hero was seen at your party last night, is there a chance #Hella is getting back together?" 

"Why #Hella and not #Stello?" 

"Fans thought since you give off some darker vibes, it would be more fitting." Edward explained. 

"Well, of course #Hella always have a chance of getting back together. No one can tell the future." I smirked leaving the question pretty much unanswered and left for speculation. 

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