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"Stella! Stella!" Lewis called through the grounds of the circuit in France. 

"I'm in my trailer!" I yelled back as I stuck my head out of the door. 

"Oh, I just wanted to let you know that Mick arrived in a red Ferarri." He smirked and I smacked my forehead. Of course, I should've expected this. I quickly slipped back into my trailer to grab my check my makeup and fix my dress before strutting out of the trailer. 

Lewis decided to make up for lost time and to see me off on a date at least once as an older brother would. Nevermind, I've been to multiple parties with celebrities two times my age. It's nice though, that we have gotten back to some level of normalcy within the past two weeks. The only person I was missing was Nico, due to a family emergency but he would soon be rejoining us 

"His eyes are so pretty," I whispered to Lewis. "He could be one of my models." 

Lewis let out a sigh. "Does your mind ever turn off or are you always non-stop?" 

"Non-stop, like Alexander Hamilton!" I chuckled. 

Mick saw Lewis first and I saw him pale ever so slightly. I guess Lewis just has that effect on certain people. 

"Nice to see you again Stella," Mick said softly. 

"The pleasure is all mine," I replied our accents clashing slightly. "I'll see you later, Lewis the loser." 

Lewis gave me a flick on the head and Mick a strong lool before I disappeared into the red Ferrari and we were off toward the docks. 

"So, how's family?" We asked in unison resulting in us bursting out in laughter. 

"I think we both would rather not answer the question." I chuckled, while Mick nodded in agreement. 

We settled into a light conversation as Mich continued driving. Turns out our childhoods could have not been more different, but yet we have some of the same feelings about how we were raised.

"Do you ever want to get married?" Mick asked randomly causing me to get a little nervous. 

"Whoah there Mick, at least let me finish dinner!" I joked. 

"You know what I mean!" He exclaimed. "You just seem to have your life all put together. Building a business earning way more than any of us would have ever dreamed." 

"Well Red, you're not wrong. I guess I'm just scared. The whole world watched me go through an broken up engagement and I am a bit traumatized." I explained. 

Mick opened his mouth to respond, but all of the sudden there was a loud bang and I felt myself turning over and over again. When we finally stopped, I could feel extremely hot heat coming from somewhere and my mind went into hyperdrive. I've trained for moments like these while flying, what can be so different in a car? 

"Stella!" Mick yelled. 

"Mick, Mick are you out?" I yelled. 

I didn't hear him for a moment then I felt myself being lifted out of the car, before falling back to the ground a little ways away from the car. The pain was everywhere as I tried to get my surrounding, but everything was fuzzy and seemed to be in a haze. All I could feel was the pain and Mick's left hand holding onto my right hand, his breathing helping me concentrate to prevent myself from slipping into unconsciousness. 

"Stella." He whispered. 


"Pretty lousy first date." He chuckled dryly. 

"I've had worse," I whispered as I saw flashing lights coming toward us. 

Soon people were surrounding us and asking us different questions. I could barely even understand and I assumed Mick couldn't either. 

"The helicopter will be here soon to take you to a hospital in Nice." A man explained to me in french. 

After that, the last thing I could remember was screaming and crying. I don't know if it was me or Mick, but it was one of the scariest and saddest things I'd ever head in my whole life. Before I could even comprehend it, I was gone. 

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