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"Okay." he breathed out. "Are you okay?" 

"Yes." I whimpered. 

"You don't sound okay, Stella. Is there any way you can hand this premier over to Nico and Elio since they are in America and come home to Monaco? A lot of the drivers are here, and we are all your big family." 

"I can do that, but Lewis I have to tell Mick," I exclaimed. 

"You told me the other day that you loved him and could see yourself spending the rest of your life together. If he loves you, he'll be happy and understanding, maybe a little shocked as well." He chuckled. 

"You promise?" 


We hung up shortly after that and I walked out of the bathroom and saw Mick sitting on the floor waiting for me. He stood up and looked at me nervously. 

"I can't be a father." He stated. 

"Mick, the test could be wrong. I might not even be pregnant." I exclaimed. 

"If it is right, I can't give up racing. It's too important to me and my family." 

My mouth dropped. "More important than me or your possible child?" 

"Right now...yes." 

"Fuck you, Mick!" I hissed before turning around to try and get a flight out to Nice asap. Lucky for me there was one leaving now and they would even transfer my bags for me. I boarded the plane to first-class not even turning around to look at Mick. 

We sat in separate different parts of the first-class section trying our best not to interact with each other. Our flight had to make a stop in London, so I decided to get off the leaving mick to figure out how he would get to his home. 

Lewis wasn't home, and I didn't have my keys to his house, so I had to resort to going to Lando's house, which I hope I remember where he told me it was. Before going to his house, I stopped by my doctor that I use whenever I'm here, to get my blood drawn and refills on my medication for my epilepsy. 

She sent me on my way about two hours late, promising that my result would be available in two hours, which put me at rest. About an hour later, I think I turned up to the right house and took the gamble of ringing the doorbell. 

"Stella!" Lando exclaimed as he opened the door. "What are you doing here?" 

"I...uh...I need a place to hang low for a little bit. I'm in the middle of finding out if I'm pregnant with Mick's kids who I just broke up with." I explained. 

Lando ushered me inside quickly and sat down on the couch with me while listening to the long story I told him. It was nice having a friend who didn't know too much about my life to judge me yet. 

"Where is Mick?" He asked me and I shrugged. 

"I could care less. He doesn't want any part of this, because his career is too important." I chuckled. 

Lando shook his head sadly. "We were all rooting for you guys to stick." 

I opened my mouth to respond, but a sob escaped instead of words. Lando jumped up from his spot and hugged me tightly while letting me cry it out. We stayed like this till my phone ringing, it was my doctor. 

"Hello?" I whispered. 

"Well...you are pregnant, but the data is showing you are almost four weeks pregnant, so Mick is the father. I also want you to remember there is a history of twins in your family...just to keep that in mind. Finally, are you...." my doctor trailed off unsure of how to continue. 

"Yes, yes, I'm going to have the baby," I whispered. 

"Do you know where the father is?" 

"Yeah. I'll talk with him and plan all of this out." 

"Alright, darling. You tell your brother hello and take care," she said kindly before hanging up. Dr. Lillian Williams has been my doctor for the longest time and somewhat of a Mother figure in my life as well, but right now she was the last person I wanted to hear from. 

Lando gave me a reassuring smile. "Mick will be back. I promise." 

"You can't promise that." I spat. 

Lando just pointed out of his window looking at the street and behold, Mick Schumacher was climbing out of his Ferrari and running up to the door. Well, at least he was smart enough to know if I wasn't with Lewis I would be with Lando. 

Speaking of, Lando was already opening the door and letting Mick have it. After a few minutes of Lando yelling and Mick flinching every once and a while, he came inside, kneeling next to the couch I sat on. 

"Stella, I made a mistake. The biggest mistake of my life." he started. "You and our child are far more important than driving to me. I just panicked and I realized after you left that I can't let you go, ever. So I know we've only known each other since the crash and dating for almost a month, but I do believe in love at first sight like when Marius saw Cosette. Just, know how sorry I am." 

Mick held onto my hand playing lightly with my fingers as I looked into his blue eyes. I could tell he meant it, he really did. 

"When you kissed me backstage during the awards, I felt as if you were the person I have been waiting for my whole life. Mick Schumacher, don't you dare break my heart again." I whispered while sending him a smile. 

"Thank you!" he exclaimed before jumping up to pecking my lips a few times and I smiled as my life seemed to fall back into place. 

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