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Mick was away training, while I was enjoying my free time in Paris. Currently, I was watching the Ford vs Ferrari when my door open and in walked Nico Rosberg with a large smile on. 

"What in the world are you doing here?" I questioned. 

"Can't I drop by?" 

I raised my brows. 

"Ok fine, I wanted to ask if you'd make a youtube video with me?" he questioned. 

"What do you want to do?" 

"Could you take me flying...not just any flying but in one of the fancy fighter jets?" 

My brows rose even higher while I began laughing at the notion of me flying Nico in a jet. I don't do fun trips, even though I can. 

"Please Stella, pretty pretty please! I'll take you driving on a track in exchange," he begged. 

Ugh, I have a major soft spot for Nico Rosberg and he knows it. Especially with that smug smirk, he was wearing at the moment while I contemplated one of his craziest ideas yet, but I couldn't. I couldn't and I'm going to have to tell him why. 

"Nico...uh sit down, "I whispered. 

His face dropped as he sat. "Stella, what's wrong?" 

I grabbed his hand and placed it on my belly. Nico's mouth dropped as he looks up to meet my eyes, as tears began to water in his. 

"How long?" 

"The third week of January, three weeks after...after ya know before I left Mick for a bit we had an interesting night. So as of now, two months." I replied. "I'm 100% sure this time too." 

"Does Mick know?" 

"He's overjoyed and extremely protective of me and unlike the first time, I'm okay with it this time," I replied with a smile. 

Nico hugged me tightly, but I could tell he was hesitating to ask something else. 

"What's up Nico?" 

He sighed, "Stella you aren't Wonder Woman, you are very well close, but you're still human. I think it's time." 

Tears began to well in my eyes this time before the waterworks started flowing heavily. The change was hard for me, being an Officer was one of the largest parts of my life, but it was the most dangerous and I can't risk anything anymore like last time. 

For Mick, for future kids, for everyone, and especially for myself. I'm a three-time Oscar winner, with some other high costume design awards along with the creator of one of the larges Haute Couture houses. I have a life that I started to shift away from a bit, but now it's time to let some things go. 

I picked up my phone and dialed Maximillian. "Hey, Max." 

"This is the call isn't it?" He asked sadly. 

"It's time for me to close this chapter. Now remember I'll keep up my jet certification and if you ever truly need me, I'll come in." I explained. 

Max sighed, "As much as I want to accept, you forget your contract clause. You have to come to London and talk to them." 

My heart sunk. "They're never going to let me go! My contract is fifteen years long and I'm only four years in!" 

"No, they will because you have dirt on me and them. You are amazing at blackmailing people, so do what you need to do and forget I told you this information." 

"Alright, Max. I'm coming over right now." I stated before hanging up the phone. 

Nico looked at me curiously as he followed me around the house, while I picked up my laptop, purse, and keys. 

"How long were you planning on staying?" I asked him. 

"I was actually gonna ask if I could crash here for a few days, or a week or two. The family has covid symptoms so...yeah." 

I rolled my eyes, "Well Britney, get in the car we're going to blackmail the Queen of England and her family." 

With that, we got in the car and I drove us to the train station where caught a train to London. After we arrived, I went straight to Lewis's house where I got dressed in something worthy for my audience. I managed to call into my London studio, and they were going to have a suit ready for Nico. 

"How are you able to do all this so quickly?" Nico inquired. 

"Training for crisis carried over," I replied as I walked down the stairs in a gown with black opera gloves and black Louboutins.

We got into one of Lewis's cars which he was going to kill me, but right now I could honesty care less. I sped through the streets till I got to the studio, where a bunch of people rushed out and took Nico inside. 

About ten minutes later Nico came out in my signature tuxedo as if he was ready to walk the red carpet. 

"I feel like everyone loves me in there." He whispered. 

"They probably do, I handpick everyone personally who works for me and we're all a big family, and that extends to you," I replied. 

Nico nodded as I drove off from the studio. While we were driving to Buckingham Palace, I was thinking of ways to break the news to the family. They wouldn't like it or appreciate it, but I needed to be done. Forever. 

Finally, we pulled up to the gates and were let in. As we were led through the stately building and put in a sitting room, I began laughing to myself. All the things I would be giving away, this would be the largest. 

Suddenly the door opened, and Nico and I rose to our feet, while both bowing/curtsying to show our respects to the Queen and the Duchess. After them, Maximillian walked in deep conversation with Prince William and Prince Charles. 

"It's come to my attention, you wish to leave the service and break your contract early." The Queen stated and I nodded as she sat across from me. "I'm sorry, but I cannot allow my best officer to leave us so soon." 

"Stella, you know how dear we hold you to our family, for you to leave the service would be as to lose a family member, and your brother was here just a few months ago gushing on how much you loved us," Kate added. 

Mental note to kill Lewis when I get out of this mess. 

"I'm quite sure, there are other ways you can keep me close without being in the service," I stated with a bit of an edge to my voice. 

The Queen surveyed me carefully. "That dress....it reminds of something, though I'm not quite sure I can remember?" 

"Surely this family hasn't forgotten this dress already...I bought this dress from the previous owner, who got it from the original owner. The person who bought it from her never wore it a surprising it almost fit me perfectly." I explained. "The original owner of this dress was Princess Diana, which the media named the Revenge Dress." 

Max and Nico were trying their best not to smile or better yet, break into laughter while I stared down the royal family. 

"Need I remind you, the secrets I hold for your family and the great acts of service I've done in your name directly without Government approval. All which should be taken into consideration before you decline my proposal." 

The family shifted in front of me and I knew I had them right where I needed them. A few hours later I walked out of the Palace with Nico. Along with that, I was the official designer of Kate and I had and what would soon be an official announcement of me being granted the title of GCVO. 

It was true, I served the family and almost died for them too many times. I got what I deserved and now it was time to let the world know. 

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