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"Mick!" I whispered as I opened my eyes to find myself in the hospital. Mick's eyes were pink from crying as he held onto my hand causing me to become concerned. "What's wrong?" 

He breathed out softly. "You had a miscarriage. The doctors said the stress from what you went through, caused it." 

My mouth dropped as tears formed in my eyes, blurring my vision. This couldn't be happening. Of all the things to happen to me, this has to be the worst. I held in my tears and put on a brave face. 

"Hey! It's okay." I replied with a smile. 

"Are you sure?" 

"Of course." I lied. "We have more years to have children. It just wasn't mean to be." 

Mick didn't push any further and that was the end of the conversation. 

I left the hospital the next day and took a week of resting before jumping into Fashion designing. It was absolutely crazy how much I producing 

The newest collection was the biggest and most extravagant ever. It was a lot of ball gowns and evening wear. Mick was busy with training for his first season in Formula 1. I of course worked a clause with Haas that my funding toward the team would only go to Mick. 

The whole situation over at Haas was infuriating for me and I was going to an interview so I'm sure I'll be questioned on that. Honestly, Mick hasn't talked too much about it, and to be honest I was a bit mad at him and the other drivers for not really speaking out about Mazepin. 

Ok...a bit mad is an understatement. At the moment I was living in Paris while Mick stayed with his mom in Switzerland. Pooer Sebastian was stuck between us, while both providing us advice and also trying to keep us together. 

Christmas came and passed. Besides exchanging gifts we really hadn't seen each other too much. I spent Christmas with Nico and his family, Elio dropped in for dinner and movies. Mick was with his family for Christmas, but Gina and his mother still called me to send wishes. 

Corinna called me after New Year and told me she understood my anger, and she was a bit upset with Mick for not being more sensitive to me and my feelings. She was just making sure we weren't considering divorce and I quickly cleared that up, promising that I had no intentions of leaving Mick. 

I don't. It's me and mick till the end of time. There are going to be rough patches, but nothing good comes easy. I loved Mick and I know Mick loves me, and right now we're both just going through our own period of growth. 

By the time Valentine's day came around Mick and I still hadn't talked and it's been around two months. I had an interview with Graham Norton because apparently Hollywood has become invested in my relationship and was getting nervous since we have been separated. 

"Hello everyone, today I'm here with Stella Hamilton, the muse behind S.M.S & Co." Graham announced and I smiled. "We're going to be doing a bit of a different interview today."

We were outside and I was in a light blue layered tulle gown that stopped at my knees with silver stilettos. 

"So, I want to dive right into the question everyone's asking..when did the relationship start to go south?" he asked and I sighed heavily. 

"I-uh...well, I suffered a miscarriage," I replied and it suddenly hit me. Tears rolled down my face as all the baggage I stuffed away came down crashing around me. 

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry," he whispered. 

"Thank you," I replied after got control of my emotions. "You know, Mick's my rock and I'm his. After I was kidnapped he wasn't his usual self." 

"How so?" 

"He became more on the edge and nervous. For example, a few drivers came to visit me after I returned and he wanted them away from me. Mick, didn't want anyone but him near me including my brother which rubbed a few of us the wrong way." I explained. "So I knew Mick was unstable and wasn't able to be there fully for me, so I put on my brave face the minute I found out about the miscarriage and busied myself in designing." 

Graham nodded. "You just kind of tried to make everything seem like it was fine." 

I chuckled. "I did. I just wanted some sort of normalcy. Then Mick got mad at me for only funding his side of the team after the sexual assault his teammate performed." 

"He got MAD at you?" 

I rolled my eyes. "Exactly. So I was livid and withdrew all my funding and took it back to the company for expansion and left." 


"I packed my bags from our home in Geneva and moved back to my Paris home. That was it and finished. I know it wasn't right, but I wasn't in the right headspace so it just happened." 

Graham took a moment before continuing the questions. "So, is a divorce in the picture now?" 

"Absolutely not!" I exclaimed. "Mick and I are committed to each other fully. We both went through a few traumatic events together from day one and that didn't drive us apart." 

"Rumor has it, you will be going back to Hollywood for a movie being made about you." 

"Yes, a few years ago I got an offer to have a movie...well more documentary about my rise in the fashion world. I said no...I'm not near the best parts of my career. Then I met Mick. There was nothing else that would be able to top him, so with his convincing, I agreed to do the movie." I explained. "The journalist that I found myself with during my kidnapping will actually be conduction the interviews featured in the movie along with being in it as well." 

Graham and I continued talking for a while. We covered everything from my rough childhood to the kidnapping. I knew this would stir some drama up, but it's not really my concern anymore. Finally, the interview was coming to a close and I was ready to drop another big piece of news. 

"To close, Miss Hamilton has some words to share." 

I smiled at the camera while taking a deep breath, but I couldn't do it. "I just want everyone to remember to reach for the stars a beyond. No dream is ever too big nor too small. Thank you!" 

The cameras were off and Graham looked at me with a bit of confusion and surprise. "You're not quitting." 

I sighed. "I love fashion design, but I also love doing covert work. I'm not ready to give it up quite yet. 

"I understand." he chuckled before giving me a hug goodbye. 

As I walked out of the studios, a figure stepped from the shadows. "Miss Schumacher," they whispered while handing me a card before vanishing once again. 

I knew that Seal on the envelope anywhere. Which means I'm being summoned by them." 

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