30: A Bountiful Discovery

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• A Bountiful Discovery •

Y/n's POV

On the third day, I left the base camp before noon and made my way toward the forest entrance.

Then, I heard something. It sounded like a stick was broken.

I stopped in my tracks and looked behind me. I saw nothing but the trees.

I tilted my head and quietly walked toward where I heard the cracking sound.

Looking down, I saw a small branch. It seems as though someone has stepped on it.

I searched for the nearest tree here, which was on my right. If someone was here, then that tree is the most convenient place to hide.

I slowly walked towards it and saw...

"Mina?" I called.

"Wah!" She jumped and held her chest in shock. *Y/n... Uhm... I-I saw you leaving our base camp alone and... It's dangerous to be just by yourself in this place, so I f-followed you,*

She then looked down. *But it's probably not okay for me... to come along, is it? I'd only slow you down..."

"No, it's okay," I assured. "But isn't it better for you to stay back? Won't it bother you if people start spreading rumors?"

"That doesn't bother me at all. Besides, I...." Mina mumbled so quietly that I couldn't have heard anything even if I'd put my ear close.

I then looked at our surroundings. "Well. It's not going to be easy, though. I mean, after we went through all the trouble of coming to this island, I think you should have a little fun-"

"Th-this is fun, though!*
Mina offered more resistance than I would've imagined.

Then, she crouched and hid her face. *Ahhh! N-no, that's not what I meant! Ahh! I mean!"

I had no idea what Mina was trying to say. All I knew was that she was an interesting girl. It'd be great if she could just show that part of herself to others.

"Alright then, let's go together," I said, which made her eyes lit. "But I have one condition. If we get into trouble later, you won't blame yourself, okay?"

"O-okay," she replied with a nod.

We then began our search.

It felt odd to stay silent as we walked, so I killed some time by bringing up a familiar topic.

"So... Are you getting along well with our classmates?" I glanced at her. "I mean, you can't do things alone in this test, right?"

"No, not at all... We don't talk or anything,* Mina muttered, twirling her hair with her index finger.

She sighed. *I'm just worthless. I'm not growing as a person in any area."

"That's not true. You're making progress, Mina."

"Me? Progress?" She chuckled. "That's not true, though."

"It is true. Maybe you can't see it, but you're making progress little by little.* I tried to convey that with both words and my attitude.

It was the first time I'd appealed to someone from the bottom of my heart like that, and I hoped it would resonate with her.

I stopped walking and looked at her. *You'll make some friends soon, Mina. Then school will become much more fun.*

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