29: C B A

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• C B A •

Y/n's POV

As Tzuyu and I neared the edge of the forest, we saw the beach and the large group of Class C students on that beach.

"Unbelievable... All this stuff... Is it even possible?" Tzuyu muttered.

They had installed temporary toilets and shower rooms. They also had a tarp to protect against sunlight, chairs, and a parasol. The smoke of cooking meat entered our noses as we watch jet skis whizzing past the shoreline.

Students were enjoying themselves, screaming with joy. Everything required for a good, relaxing time was here.

Based on a rough calculation, they'd likely spent 150 points or more.

"I wonder what class C is thinking..." I then faced her. "Let's check things out?"

We came out from the bushes and walked to the beach. One of the male students noticed us and whispered to a female student nearby.

We couldn't see her face too well since she was leaning over in her chair.

The male student then rushed over to us. "Ms. Jennie has requested your presence," he said.

Tzuyu looked at me and crossed her arms. "She rules her classmates like a queen. It's like a royal welcome. What should we do?"

I shrugged. "It's up to you, Tzuyu."

"Fine," she sighed. "I'm interested in learning her intentions. Let's go."

As we approached the woman in command of this hedonistic paradise, I realized that she was also the girl who stopped in front of us when Tzuyu and I talked after Jeongyeon's case.

So she's the girl named Kim Jennie, huh?

"I thought someone was sniffing around." Jennie took off her glasses and smiled. "It's nice to see you again, Y/n L/n."

Tzuyu raised her eyebrow. "You seem to be doing well for yourself. This looks like quite the extravagant party."

Jennie turned her gaze to Tzuyu, her smile not leaving her face. "Why hello there, Chou Tzuyu."

"Do not call me by my name so casually."

Jennie chuckled at her response. "You're just like your brother. Cold and stern. But I wonder why you're not in class A like him."

Tzuyu stiffened but quickly regained her posture."That's none of your business. Mind explaining what your class is doing?"

"Well, just as you see. We're enjoying our summer vacation." She spread her arms wide, proudly showing off the extravaganza.

Tzuyu furrowed her eyebrows, clearly confused by Jennie's actions. "This is a test. You don't seem to understand the rules."

"I'm shocked." Jennie looked at Tzuyu with a disappointed face. "Does that mean you're offering help even to an enemy like me?"

"If the person on top is incompetent, those below them will suffer. This is pitiful." Tzuyu scoffed.

Jennie smiled and grabbed the bottle of water placed next to the radio.

She sipped it but then quickly pulled it away from her. "Tss. Already getting warm. Jimin, bring me some cold water, right away.* Jennie ordered while pouring out her remaining water on the sand, almost in provocation.

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