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Y/n's POV

After classes have ended, 70-80% of the students headed toward the dormitories. Some made their way to cafés, while the louder ones went out for karaoke.

Me? Well, I went to the nearest restroom.

On my way out of the class, someone called out to me.

"You're Y/n, right?*

It was Kim Dahyun.

*I'm Dahyun, from your class. Do you remember me?" She asked.

"Of course. Do you need anything?"

Dahyun tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear then answered, "Well, there's something I wanted to ask you. Are you on good terms with Tzuyu?"

"Tzuyu?" I tilted my head. "I wouldn't say we're on good terms. Just casual acquaintances, I guess. Did she do something?"

Dahyun quickly shook her head. "Oh, no. Do you remember when I said I wanted to get along with everyone in the class? That's why I wanted everyone's contact info, but Tzuyu turned me down... I was just wondering what kind of person Tzuyu is. Is she the type who'll talk a lot when she's with a friend?"

"I don't think she's good at interacting with others. Why are you asking about Tzuyu, anyway?" I asked.

"Well, during our introductions, Tzuyu walked out of the classroom, right? It seems like she hasn't talked to anybody yet, so I'm a little worried about her... Weren't you two talking outside the school earlier?"

Considering we'd all ridden the bus together, it was no wonder that she'd seen my meeting with Tzuyu.

I sighed. "I understand what you're saying, but I only just met her on the first day of school. I don't really know how to answer your questions."

"Oh, I see. I thought that you two must have been old friends before starting school here. I'm sorry to have asked you such a strange question." She looked down as she fidgetted her fingers.

"You don't have to apologize. It's all right."

Dahyun raised her head and smiled at me. "Well, it's nice to meet you again, Y/n."

Although I was a little bewildered by her outstretched hand, I shook hands with her.

"Nice to meet you too, Dahyun."

With that, we went our separate ways. 

The moment I've turned left, a figure of a female student's side came into my sight. I couldn't see her face clearly because her hair was blocking it.

Maybe she's waiting in line? Or perhaps the restroom isn't operational yet?

Well, it looks like I'll have to find another restroom. And if I didn't, I'll just use the one in my room.

I was about to leave when the female student tucked her hair behind her ears, revealing half of her face. She looks... familiar.

When our gaze connected, she smiled.

"You. Me. Classmate," she said while gesturing with her hands.

That's when I remembered who she is— the Japanese girl with different snacks.

"Ah, yes. You're Momo, right?"

She nodded then pointed at me. "Y/n."

I was surprised that she remembered my name, even though my introduction was plain, boring, and uninteresting.

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