28: Good Morning

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• Good Morning •

Y/n's POV

I woke up much earlier this morning than I'd anticipated. The heat and humidity had made me toss and turn in my sleep.

I carefully slipped out of the tent to not wake anyone else and approached our mountain of piled luggage. We'd kept the luggage outside to make the tents as spacious as possible.

After looking around to make sure I was alone, I found a singularly colored piece of luggage. It was Yeji's bag.

I grabbed it without hesitation and checked inside.

I found the same kinds of things that everyone else had, like towels, a change of clothes, etc. However...

"A digital camera?" I murmured.

That explained the dull sound I'd heard yesterday when she dropped the bag against a tree. However, this item wasn't appropriate for a deserted island.

On the bottom of the camera, I found a rental sticker. I checked the camera's power source and saw that it had no data and no sign that it'd been used.

After I finished my inspection, I returned the item to the bag and stood up.

"Good morning, Y/n."

I turned around and saw Jihyo walking towards me.

"Good morning, Jihyo. Did you sleep well?" I asked because her eyebags were visible which made her chuckle.

"Not really. I can't exactly sleep soundly in this environment." She then sighed and took out the manual. "I've also been thinking of what happened yesterday.*

*If you include Seokjin's penalty, we spent almost 100 points. I told everyone that in the worst possible outcome we'd be left with 120 points, but now I'm not even sure about that. I guess the anxiety woke me."

"This is tough, even for the class' peacemaker," I said and peeked at the manual.

Jihyo adjusted her position so that I could comfortably look at it. I was grateful for such small acts of consideration.

"Well, I'm only doing this because I like it. If my hard work makes everyone in class happy, then I'm satisfied. But it's surprisingly difficult. The amount of points we have after this special test will have a huge impact on our lives."

Make everyone in class happy, huh? If such a thing were possible, it would be amazing. But it was probably close to impossible. The school's system dictated as much.

"If we have students who want to aim for Class A and students who want to stay in Class D, what would you do?" I asked.

She averted her eyes from me and looked down. "That's hard to answer. Aiming for the upper classes means forcing everyone... I'm sorry, I need to think about it... So Y/n, do you want to get into Class A? Or are you fine as long as life at school is fun?"

I shrugged. "I guess if I had to pick, school life's my priority. Besides, I don't think it's possible to reach Class A. But..." I stopped as I remembered something.

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