18: Would You Be My...

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• Would You Be My... •

Y/n's POV

Dahyun was good at creating an informal atmosphere, one in which socially awkward people could converse naturally.

However, everyone has what they consider their own personal space. An off-limits area, in other words.

Cultural anthropologist Edward Hall further divided the idea of personal space into four parts.

One such zone is the so-called “intimate space.” In this particular space, you’d be near enough to hug someone.

If an outsider tries to step into this space, people naturally exhibit strong signs of rejection. However, if that person is a lover or a best friend, then he or she won’t find it uncomfortable.

Even if someone were only a casual acquaintance, Dahyun probably wouldn’t mind letting that person into her “intimate space.”

That is, she didn’t seem to put high value on the idea of personal space.

However, Mina had clearly rejected Dahyun.

Then, someone entered my field of vision. Our eyes naturally met.

"Thank you very much. It's been a pleasure." The girl spoke these grateful words to the dormitory manager, then called out to me. "Good morning, Y/n! You're early."

She had cute bunny teeth. Her upright posture matched her dignified personality.

Im Nayeon, that first-year Class B student, had found me again.

"Yeah. I woke up a little earlier today. What were you talking about with the manager?"

"My classmates wanted to make requests about their dorms. I gathered everyone's thoughts on the matter and told the dorm manager. Stuff like water usage, noise, and so on."

"Good morning, Class Rep Nayeon!"

Two girls who were getting off the elevator called out to Nayeon. She smiled and greeted them back.

"Class Rep? Why Class Rep?" I asked.

"Well, I'm my class' representative," she smiled.

"Class representative?" I tilted my head. "Do all classes except for D have someone like that, too?"

"Ah, no." She shook her head. "That's just something Class B set up on its own."

"Are there other positions besides class representative?"

"Yep! Whether or not they serve a function is a different question, but we do have other roles for formality's sake.*

*Stuff like vice class representative, and secretary. They could be more useful when we have a cultural fair, or sports festival, or something. We could try deciding things on the spot, but that might lead to trouble."

"Seems like you've taken the lead of Class B."

She shrugged. "It's all purely informal. Besides, there are quite a few troublemakers. We have to deal with a lot of stuff.*

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