9: Starting the Move

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• Starting the Move •

Y/n's POV

May 1 came and went, and before we knew it, the school week was over.

Students had started behaving well and listened to the teacher.

Only Jeongyeon kept falling asleep in class, but no one tried to reprimand her. Because we hadn't found a method to increase our class points, she'd apparently decided not to fix her habits.

However, many of our classmates grew to disdain her.

I was a little sleepy, myself. It was hard to stay awake just before lunchtime. Also, I'd stayed up late last night.

Sleep would feel so nice...

Just as my head started to bob, sudden pain shot through my right arm. I immediately stood from my seat.

"What's the matter, Y/n?" Ms. Irene raised her eyebrow.

"Uh... Can I go to the restroom?"

Ms. Irene nodded and continued her lesson.

As I rubbed the sting on my arm, I stared at my neighbor. Tzuyu brandished her mathematical compass.

I sighed and went to the restroom. It would be suspicious if I didn't.

Surprisingly, Chaeyoung followed. "What happened?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You're not the type who'll do something reckless and be the center of attention. You dislike trouble," she replied.

I sighed and took off my blazer. I folded my right long sleeve and saw the hole Tzuyu caused.

Chaeyoung's eyes widened and pointed at my arm. "You're bleeding!"

"I'm fine—"

She didn't let me finish my sentence and dragged me into the school clinic.

"Please help us. She has a hole on her arm," Chaeyoung explained to the nurse.

The nurse looked at me and motioned to the bed. "Take a seat here. I'll just go and grab the medicine kit."

The nurse took out the first aid kit and was about to start treating my wound when Chaeyoung stopped her.

"Is it okay if I'll do that?"

"Oh, sure. Just call me if you need anything." The nurse smiled and went to her cubicle office.

"Chaeyoung, I told you already. I'm fine—"

"If bleeding is fine for you, then for me, it's not." She glared.

This was the first time I saw her being serious. I sighed and let her treat my wound.

She then placed a bandage on my arm and helped me wear my school uniform.

"You two look so cute together. How long have you been dating?" The nurse asked.

Chaeyoung's face immediately turned red. "W-what?"

"We're not dating. We're... Uh. Friends," I answered.

"Oh, sorry." The nurse chuckled while scratching her head.

"Let's head back, Chaeng. Ms. Irene might scold us if we stay any longer," With that, I went outside of the clinic and walked towards our room.

"Uhm... Y/n?* Chaeyoung hesitantly called me.

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