Interlude: The Girl In Glasses

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• The Girl in Glasses •

???'s POV

I don't know how to interact with other people.

I'm bad at talking while making eye contact. I'm horrible with crowds. I don't remember how or when I became so hopeless.

However, one thing I do know for certain is that a person cannot live entirely in isolation.

No matter how much I may love my solitude, I can't remain totally by myself.

So, I came up with a solution.

I would adopt a false face and hide my true self. Then, I wouldn't be completely honest, but I could be a version of myself.

I could continue to live in this dark, lonely world.

The world isn't entirely beautiful. Everyone knows this, but in their hearts they still wish for that perfect, idyllic place.

A bit of a contradiction.

I don't care who answers me, but I need to know.

Is everyone else putting on a façade, just like me? Or do most people show their true selves to the outside world?

Since I can't connect with people, I suppose there's no way for me to find out the answer.

Therefore, I remain alone.

I'm all right by myself.

I'm all right with being alone.


No. I want to connect with someone from the bottom of my heart.

And so I will continue to live quietly, with my eyes downcast. Alone.


The timing couldn't have been worse.

While searching for a place to take a good selfie, I stumbled into something.

Even a certain famous, diminutive detective would have held his breath when witnessing such a tense situation.

The whole thing had started about ten seconds ago.

Someone made a trivial comment, which upset the other party. That led to vicious insults, which turned into a fistfight.

The other three male students lay on the floor, writhing in pain.

A short-haired girl stood over them, looking down in victory. Her right fist was covered in blood from the students she'd pummeled.

It was an entirely one sided ordeal.

This was the first brawl I'd ever witnessed. I could feel the tension in the air.

Though I was terrified, I began capturing the scene with my camera. The shutter didn't make a sound.

After taking the pictures, I asked myself what I was doing. I couldn't think clearly in my panicked state.

I tried to quickly get away. However, my brain no longer seemed to function properly. My legs didn't obey my command to move, like I was paralyzed.

"Do you really think that this is the end of it, Jeongyeon?" Despite being barely able to move, one of the male students on the ground tried to taunt Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon grabbed the beaten boy's collar, and brought him closer. "Do you wanna make me laugh, Jimin? You're in the sorriest state possible. You want to go for another round, huh? Next time I won't hold back.*

Jeongyeon looked as though she was going to kill and then devour her opponent, which was so overwhelming that the Jimin looked away.

*Are you scared? Did you really think you'd beat me if you had more people?* Jeongyeon dropped Jimin, picked up her bag and then turned and walked away as if the defeated three completely disinterested her.

My heart rate skyrocketed. Jeongyeon was headed for my hiding spot.

My potential escape routes from this building were limited. I had the idea to turn back down the staircase I'd used to come up here.

However, I still couldn't move and my window of opportunity was closing.

I'd heard that when someone was involved in a crisis, his or her body would lock up, exactly like what was happening now.

*What a waste of time. Tiring me out after practice. Give me a break," Jeongyeon grumbled.

The distance between us was closing. She was only a few short meters away.

"You're the one who's going to regret this later, Jeongyeon." Jimin's words stopped Jeongyeon in her tracks.

Without looking back at them, Jeongyeon replied, "Nothing's more pathetic than a sore loser. No matter how many times you come at me, you won't win."

She wasn't bluffing. She clearly had the confidence to back up what she said.

After all, Jeongyeon had emerged victorious and unscathed from a three-on-one fight.

Tomorrow was the first of July, but given how much I was sweating you'd think summer was already here.

I remained completely still in my hiding place. Sweat poured down the nape of my neck.

I decided to leave calmly, quietly, and without panicking.

I'd hate it if someone were to spot me and involve me in this mess. If that happened, it would cast a dark cloud over my otherwise peaceful school life

I left the scene quickly and carefully.

"Is someone there?" Jeongyeon, sensing my movement, looked to where I'd been mere moments before.

However, I'd successfully escaped by a hair's breadth. If I'd lagged a mere two seconds, she probably would've seen me.


Who do you think is the girl in glasses? Hint: Look at the previous pictures.


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