3: Wanna Join?

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• Wanna Join? •

Y/n's POV

On the second day of school, we spent most of our time running over the course objectives.

Apparently, the teachers in this school aren't strict as I thought. Many of the students were quite surprised by how the teachers ignored the students who sleep, talk, and use their phones during class.

"Hey, Tzuyu." I turned to my neighbor who's busy copying what was on the board. "Don't you think the teachers are too kind?"

She glanced at me then placed down her pen. "I noticed that too. Honestly, this school is confusing. They said that this school was built to mold the future leaders of our country but it feels like they're just spoiling the students with luxury and freedom. Plus, the students don't look exemplary."

"You're right. Everything about this school is confusing."

We both returned in writing our notes, and soon it was lunchtime. Students stood up and left with their new acquaintances, disappearing from my view.

I couldn't help but feel slightly envious as I watched them.

*How pathetic."

Only one person had noticed how I felt, and she met my pain with derisive laughter.

I turned to my right and saw Tzuyu. "What's pathetic?"

"'I want someone to invite me along! I want to eat with someone!' Your thoughts are like an open book."

"But you're alone, too, aren't you? Haven't you thought the same thing? Or do you intend to spend your three years here without making a single friend?"

"That's right. I prefer to be alone," she replied quickly, without hesitation. "Why don't you stop worrying about me and instead think about yourself?"

I averted my eyes from her and looked out my window.

"I was thinking of heading to the cafeteria. Does anyone want to come with me?" Announced Jihyo as she stood.

She was clearly one of those all-around good students. In my heart of hearts, I'd been waiting for a savior to bestow a chance like this upon me.

I slowly raised my hand, but...

"I'll go!"

"Me, too! Me too!"

Boys and girls gathered around Jihyo one after another as I lowered my hand.

"How tragic.Tzuyu's derisive laugh morphed into scorn.

I leaned against my chair and replied, "Don't assume you know what I'm thinking."

"Does anyone else want to come?" Jihyo asked one more time.

She scanned the classroom, and her eyes met mine. She didn't avert her eyes, just as I would expect from someone with a handle on her life who cared about the people in her class.

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