End of Phase I: Celebration

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• Celebration •

Y/n's POV

I plopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

It's been two months since I got in here.

Actually, I'd chosen this school for one fundamental reason.

At this school, people were not allowed to contact students without permission, even if they were friends or immediate family. I greatly appreciated that.

I was free. In Filipino, they would call it, "kalayaan." In French, they would call it, "liberté."

Isn't freedom simply the best?

Before being accepted, I'd honestly thought I would be been fine either way, that the difference between passing and failing would have been trivial. But my true feelings finally welled up.

I was glad to have been admitted here. No one else's eyes or words would ever reach me.

I could start again— wait. I could begin anew entirely. A new life.

I resolved to enjoy my time here to the fullest, but without drawing attention to myself.

"Cheers!" Chaeyoung shouted joyfully and toasted with a can of juice.

Oh, right. They're here in my room.

Liberated from our studies, we were all overjoyed that no one had been expelled.

Everyone smiled... Well, except for me and Tzuyu.

We'd shared our burdens, and together, we'd overcome the challenge. Perhaps that was the point of being young.

I guess if you ignored the one dark spot, this wasn't terrible.

"What's with the long face, Y/n? Jeongyeon wasn't expelled. Everything's fine now, right?" Dahyun asked.

I sighed. "I don't particularly mind that you're holding a celebration party, but why are you holding it in my room?"

"Mine's a mess and so is Chaeyoung's," replied Momo. "Jeongyeon doesn't want her room to get dirty. Tzuyu's answer is already obvious. Dahyun's room is too far. Your spectacularly plain and empty room is the best option."

"Well, it's only been two months since school started. I think it'd be weird to have a lot of stuff," I shrugged.

"Your room is simple, but it feels nice and clean," Dahyun praised.

"All things considered, though, that midterm was dangerous. If we hadn't put the study group together, I, Chaeyoung, and Jeongyeon would have definitely gotten kicked out." Momo sighed in relief.

"Everything was thanks to Tzuyu's efforts. She tutored the three of you," Dahyun said.

Tzuyu was sitting outside the circle, quietly reading a novel.

When we said her name, she bookmarked her page and looked up. "I did it for my own sake. If someone had been expelled, Class D's evaluation would've worsened."

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