8: I Need You

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• I Need You •

Y/n's POV

Classes had ended for the day.

Jihyo stood at the podium, using the blackboard to prepare for class D's big discussion.

Because of her powerful charisma, almost everyone in our class had shown, except a few like Tzuyu and Jeongyeon.

When I looked around, I noticed that they'd already left the room.

I was about to leave too when Dahyun sat beside me. "Hey, Y/n," she smiled as always. "Things must be horrendous for the people who used up their points."

"Do you have enough points left, Dahyun?"

She sighed. "Well, I've used up about half of my points. I kind of lost control in the first month and overspent, so it'll be a little difficult to hold myself back. What about you, Y/n?"

"Well, it's hard not to spend money when you're so popular. I've barely used any of my points since I haven't actually needed to buy something."

"Because you don't have friends?" she asked.


Dahyun widened her eyes and took my hand. "Oh, no, sorry. I didn't mean to offend."

"Hey, Dahyun, do you have a minute?" Sana suddenly appeared in front of us.

Dahyun released my hand and turned to her. "Hi, Sana. Is there a problem?"

"Honestly, I've spent way too many points, and I'm running low. Some of the other girls in class have lent me a few points, but I was wondering if you could help me out, too. We're friends, right? I only need, like, 2,000 points from you." Sana didn't seem all that earnest, laughing breezily while she hit up Dahyun.

"Oh, sure!"

"Thank you! By the way, here's my number. See you later." Sana turned away just like that and went in pursuit of her next target. "Ah, Eunha! Hey, to tell you the truth, I used up too many of my points..."

I quickly turned to Dahyun. "You know you probably won't get those points back, right?"

"I can't just ignore a friend in need. Sana has a lot of friends, too, so I think it's probably hard for her not to have any points. Wait, how will I send her my points?"

"Sana gave you her number, didn't she? There's a function in our cellphones that enables us to transfer points—"

I was cut off when the loudspeaker came alive with a soothing sound effect. "Y/n L/n, from first-year Class D. Please come see Ms. Irene in the faculty office."

"Looks like the teacher wants to see you," said Dahyun.

"Yeah. Sorry, Dahyun. I gotta go.* Exiting the classroom, I could feel my classmates' stares drilling a hole into the back of my head.

I found the faculty office and entered. I looked all around, but I didn't see Ms. Irene anywhere.

I only saw one person and she was busy writing something on the blackboard.

I only saw one person and she was busy writing something on the blackboard

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