26: A Helping Hand

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• A Helping Hand •

Y/n's POV

When we returned to our classmates, JeongMoChaeng seemed to be in surprisingly high spirits and were speaking rather enthusiastically to Jihyo about something.

"A river!" Chaeyoung exclaimed. "It's only a 10-minute walk from here, so let's hurry!"

I then walked towards Jihyo and talked to her about our search. But I intended to leave the part about those Class A students.

"I'm sorry, Jihyo. Seokjin isn't back yet. We got split up," I said.

"Oh, Seokjin came back a little while ago. He left to go swimming."

So he hadn't gotten lost but had instead slipped away. I should have expected it.

"Split up? Didn't you take the lead?" Tzuyu asked with a sigh as everyone began moving toward the river.

"I can't control that guy." I replied.

Tzuyu shrugged. "Well, you can't really complain about his abilities, though the same can't be said of his personality."

"Just like you," I whispered.

"Did you say something?"

"I didn't."

She then suddenly turned and looked behind her, staring sharply at Mina.

"Eh?!" Mina appeared shocked and backed away.

"Were you looking at me just now?" Tzuyu asked.

"I-I-I-I wasn't looking at anything!" Mina, flustered, ran off to put some distance between us.

"Don't scare her like that," I said.

"So should I freely let her poke around and misconstrue things?"

"There! That's the spot!" Chaeyoung pointed.

The river was about 10 meters wide. At first glance, our flat piece of land was surrounded by trees.

"So if we make this spot our base camp, the problem is whether or not we can occupy it,* said Jihyo.

*If we claim this place, there are obvious merits; we can monopolize the river and we can gain some points by holding this area.*

*However, that requires us to update it once every eight hours. Since the designated leader is the only one who can handle that operation, it'll be serious trouble if he or she is seen," explained Jihyo.

"But if we stay hidden and protected, it'll be fine, right? We can keep the area surrounded." Although there were risks, Chaeyoung was correct.

It was true that obtaining the rights of exclusive possession was something of a double-edged sword, with both risks and rewards.

However, as with Class A occupying the cave, the class could act together to protect ourselves. It went without saying that Classes B and C would most likely have done the same thing.

Jihyo nodded. "Well, the next question is, who will be the leader?"

While everyone wanted to avoid a role with such important responsibilities, Dahyun asked everyone to form a circle. "I have to say, Jihyo and Sana just stand out too much. However, a leader's no good unless that person has a sense of responsibility, right? I think that Tzuyu meets that criteria. What do you think?"

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