34: A Turn of Events

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• A Turn of Events •

Y/n's POV

I brushed my hair up to wipe away the raindrops off my face while following the footprints on the mud.

Suddenly, a bright light entered my field of vision.

I immediately turned my flashlight off and crouched.

From here, I could hear people's voices, muffled by the rain.

Soon, the light moved further away.

I then approached cautiously.

Near a large tree, I saw Tzuyu on the muddy ground with the key card on her hand.

I kneeled, took the key card from her, and secured it in my pocket.

Slowly, Tzuyu's eyes fluttered open. "Y/n?*

She then let out a small groan and slowly reached for her head. *My head...hurts..."

"You have a high fever." I sat beside her and placed my arm over her shoulders, hoping it would ease her freezing. "Take a rest."

"Yeji...stole my card." She chastised herself and closed her eyes, resting her head on my shoulder.

"This isn't a test where you can just hide for twenty-four hours a day. No matter what you do, you can be open to attack," I replied.

Tzuyu ignored my response and diverted our topic. "When I was losing consciousness, I felt like I could hear Jennie's voice. I thought she'd already retired."

"If that's true then..." My voice trailed off.

"Jennie also discovered that I'm Class D's leader," Tzuyu completed my sentence. She then let out a heavy sigh. "I could've avoided this if I knew how to rely on someone...*

To seriously protect the leader's identity, it was necessary to depend on allies that you trusted from the bottom of your heart. If you did that, you could protect the card twenty-four hours a day.

However, Tzuyu hadn't made a single friend.

*I'm sorry..."

While I was silently lost in thought, Tzuyu apologized.

"Why are you apologizing to me?" I asked.

"There's no one I can apologize to except for you."

Hmm. That made me think pretty hard.

"If you think things are bad, then make some reliable friends," I suggested.

She chuckled bitterly. "That's a difficult advice...No one would want to be with me."

I sighed. "Don't talk. You're sick."

I tried to convince her to be quiet, but Tzuyu didn't stop.

"I'm going to try to get up to Class A using my own abilities." Tzuyu lifted her head and met my gaze. She then weakly grabbed the hem of my shirt as she appealed to me. "This was all...my mistake. So I have to do this on my own."

"According to this school's system, if you fight by yourself, you won't reach Class A. We need to cooperate with our classmates, Tzuyu."

Tzuyu closed her eyes, as if lacking the strength to keep them open, and rested her head on my shoulder once again. "I can't accept that. No matter how hard it is, I'm still...alone."

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