17: A Gleam of Hope

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• A Gleam of Hope •

Y/n's POV

After class, we resumed the search for a witness.

Though we spent a good amount of time going to the second-year classrooms and talking to upperclassmen, it didn't turn up any good leads.

Everyone went back to my room to reevaluate our strategy.

Jeongyeon came by shortly afterward and joined our discussion. "What happened today? Did you make any progress?"

"None at all," Momo sighed. "Jeongyeon, are you sure there was a witness?"

"Huh? I never said there was someone there. I said that it FELT like someone was there."

"Maybe Jeongyeon was hallucinating? She must be taking some pretty potent drugs or something,* Chaeyoung said.

And because of that, Jeongyeon put Chaeyoung into a headlock.

*Ow! I give, I give!" Chaeyoung cried.

While the two of them messed around, Dahyun and Momo were wracking their brains.

After discussing the matter for about 10 minutes, Dahyun spoke up. "We might want to change our methods a little. For example, let's look for someone who might have found a witness. People who went to the special building on the day of the incident, I mean."

Just then, my doorbell rang. While I considered who this new visitor might be, she peered through the door.

"Have you made any progress finding the witness?" asked Tzuyu, looking as if she already knew the response.

I shook my head. "Not yet."

"I'm only telling you this because it's you, but I may have found out something—" While Tzuyu was talking, she noticed that there were several pairs of shoes lined up by my door.

She stopped and made a hard heel turn, apparently ready to run.

Dahyun peered over at the entrance, probably concerned that Tzuyu wouldn't return. "Hi, Tzuyu!"

Tzuyu, upon noticing Dahyun, naturally let out a sigh. Looking exasperated, she entered my room.

"Oh, Tzuyu!" Jeongyeon stood and smiled. "Did you decide to help out? I'm super glad you're here."

"I didn't particularly plan on helping. You don't appear to have found the witness yet, right?"

Dahyun nodded despondently. "If you didn't come here to help, then why did you come?"

"I was wondering what kind of plan you'd come up with.*

Dahyun then relayed her plan to Tzuyu, whose expression remained neutral from start to finish.

*I wouldn't say it's a bad plan. Provided you have sufficient time, your labors may actually bear fruit. Now that I'm abreast of the current situation, I'll be leaving."

"Wait. Did you come up with something? Like information about the witness?" I asked.

When Tzuyu had shown up at my door, it seemed like she'd wanted to say something.

She sighed. "I'll give you just one piece of advice, to help your pathetic odds. If someone actually witnessed Jeongyeon's incident, then that person is close by."

"What do you mean, Tzuyu? Are you seriously implying that you found this person?" Jeongyeon appeared more shocked and doubtful than joyous.

No one, myself included, really believed her... until we heard her next words.

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