22: Their Downfall

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• Their Downfall •

Y/n's POV

Everyone looked dissatisfied as they exited the student council office.

Jeongyeon was the one who left first.

Ms. Seulgi then approached Mina, who seemed to be on the verge of tears. "I want you to reflect on the fact that many students will be involved in this due to your lies. Also, if you think that we'll go easy on you if you start crying, then I am afraid you are being foolish. You should be ashamed of yourself."

With that, Ms. Seulgi and her students left while they repeatedly complained that the witness's lies were far too much on their way out, almost as if they wanted Mina to hear them.

Mina, trying to stifle her voice as best she could, burst into tears. "I-I tried my absolute hardest to speak up during the discussion... But do we even have a chance? Tzuyu?"

"I won't give up. I will keep fighting to support your testimony until the end. Well then, I must excuse myself." With that, Tzuyu turned and left.

"I'm sorry, Y/n." Mina looked down. "If I'd only stepped forward in the very beginning, everything would have been fine, but... Everything turned out this way because I didn't have the courage."

I shook my head. "It would've ended the same even if you had stepped forward at the beginning. They would've fought to discredit your testimony simply because the witness came from Class D. The result would be the same."

Overcome with emotion, Mina started crying, large tears rolling down her cheeks.

I took out my handkerchief and handed it to her but her hands were trembling too much so I wiped off her tears by myself.

Her face turned red... It was probably because she was crying too much.

"What are you planning to do?* a deep voice asked.

I looked to my side and saw President Taehyung. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I thought that when you came here with my sister, you'd unveil some kind of master plan."

"Sorry to disappoint you, Mr. President but I don't have any plans."

He then turned to Mina, who'd stifled her crying. "Eyewitness testimony and pictorial evidence certainly carry weight during deliberation. However, please keep in mind that how much we value the evidence is determined by how much we trust in its believability. No matter how detailed your account, we cannot accept it as one hundred percent true."

"I-I... I just... told the truth—"

"If you can't prove it, then it's little more than nonsense."

"I believe Mina's testimony," I said.

"So can you prove she's not lying?" he asked.

"That's not up to me. Your sister will prove it. If Mina isn't lying, then she will find a way to convince everyone."

President Taehyung chuckled softly, then smiled, as if to suggest such a thing couldn't be done.

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