33: Reached the Limit

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• Reached the Limit •

Y/n's POV

I'd been waiting for about 30 minutes in front of the tent before Tzuyu appeared.

It was already 4:00 in the afternoon.

When her eyes met mine, her pupils trembled, like she was frightened.

She approached me with heavy, plodding steps. "Y/n. Can we talk?"

First, I turned and checked to see if Yeji was still lined up for the shower.

"What's wrong?" I asked Tzuyu.

"Follow me. We can't discuss it here.*

With that, Tzuyu walked toward the forest.

She stopped once we'd gotten far enough away that we couldn't see the camp anymore.

She then turned to me and looked ready to speak, but then hesitated as though having second thoughts. *This...happened because of my carelessness. I am aware that I made a mistake.*

Tzuyu paused and heaved a heavy sigh. *It was stolen."

"Wait..." I tilted my head. "Your necklace was stolen, too?"

"No. This is much, much worse,* she muttered as she shook her head.

She hung her head low and then spoke slowly. *The...key card.*

My lips parted.

*I wanted to talk to you because I trust you, Y/n." She sighed. "I absolutely couldn't consult with someone who might be the culprit.*

I felt honored that she trusted me, but I couldn't exactly rejoice in front of someone so depressed.

She then whispered, *I'm such a huge failure."

"No," I quickly opposed. "The one who stole it is to blame."

"Even so, this is an issue of responsibility," she looked up at me. "It has nothing to do with me being sick or covered in mud. I wasn't supposed to let go of the card for a single second. But I..."

"Don't blame yourself." I leaned down a little to level with her height. "I know you did your absolute best.*

She merely bit her lower lip, as if overwhelmed with regret.

I then fixed my posture. *It's probably better if we don't make this information public. We should get to the truth first."

Her gaze then changed. "I suspect two people. Either Sana or Yeji."

"Unfortunately, the chances that it was Sana are low," I replied. "She was in front of the shower the whole time."

"If that's the case, it's highly likely Yeji is the culprit. But, wouldn't stealing it be an extremely dangerous gamble? Since the leader's name is engraved on the card itself, just looking at it would be enough. Am I wrong?" She looked at me, her eyes full of anxiety.

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