23: Saved

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• Saved •

Y/n's POV

My phone's tracking data displayed the entrance of the electronics store.

As Nayeon and I approached our destination, I was incredibly winded. I had to stop and catch my breath. Just as a precaution, I signaled Nayeon to be quiet.

"Please don't contact me anymore!" a small voice shouted.

"Why would you say something like that? You're my treasure, Mina. Ever since I first saw you in a magazine, I've loved you. Meeting you again here, I felt like it was destiny. I can't stop feeling this way about you!"

"Stop... Please, stop it!* Mina yelled.

She then took something out of her bag. *How do you know my room number? Why do you keep sending these letters?"

"Of course I would know your room number and send you letters. It's because our hearts are connected."

Mina had probably been suffering ever since she started school here. Her fan knew her identity, and she had to deal with his attention every day.

However, Mina had enough, and thanks to her newfound courage, she'd decided to free herself from him. Her resolve made sense now.

"Please stop it. It's bothering me!" She tossed the bundle of letters to the floors, rejecting the man's unrequited love.

"Why would you do something like that? Even after I wrote out my feelings to you!"

"D-don't come any closer!"

The man closed the distance between him and Mina. Latching onto Mina's arm, he shoved her up against the store's shuttered door.

"I'll show you just how much I love you now... If I do that, then you'll understand, Mina."

"No, let me go!"

Nayeon tugged on my sleeve. Apparently, we couldn't leave things alone any longer.

I'd wanted to wait until we could catch him in the act with something definitive, but it looks like I had no choice.

"Follow my lead.* I took Nayeon's arm as we strutted out like a delinquent couple.

While walking by, we took pictures with our phones, our cameras clicking repeatedly.

*Ah, looks like we caught them, honey. That old guy's doing something naughty. 'Adult harasses high school girl.' I can just see the headlines tomorrow; it'll be a huge scandal."

Mina was completely dumbfounded after hearing me speak in the unfamiliar tone of a delinquent.

"W-wait! You're wrong!" The man, now flustered, hurriedly pulled away from Mina.

"It certainly doesn't sound wrong. Right, darling?* Nayeon tried to match my performance, but her tone was cruel.

*And look at all those letters!" Nayeon pinched her nose as she picked up the letters as if grabbing someone else's socks. "Gross! Are you a stalker?"

"N-no. Uh... She said she wanted someone to teach her how to use a digital camera so I said I'd teach her one-on-one," the store clerk nodded at his statement while sweat poured down on his forehead.

I drew closer to the man, pressing him up against the shutter. "My girlfriend and I saw everything and took pictures. If you show your face to that girl again or send her any more disgusting letters, we'll expose you."

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