27: First Night

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• First Night •

Y/n's POV

Once 5:00 PM arrived, Dahyun and her group returned. Apparently, they'd gone out searching for food.

From a distance, I saw little red fruits, like strawberries and maybe tomatoes. They also seemed to have grapes and kiwis.

"Can we eat these? I mean, that look likes a fruit, but..."

"But we don't have a choice, do we? I'm really hungry."

It was understandable that the students would start saying those kinds of things.

I was one of them.

"Oh, this is bog bilberry! Did you find these, Dahyun? That's amazing!" Chaeyoung came over, checking out the fruit and telling us what was what.

"You know what these are?" Dahyun asked.

Chaeyoung nodded and took one of the bog bilberries. "It's a fruit, a bog bilberry. I've eaten them before when I went camping in the mountains. As you can tell, they look and taste like blueberries. It's the akebia quinata. It's sweet and tasty."

Everyone watched Chaeyoung with interest as she smiled, enjoying the nostalgic fruit.

"Looks like you were able to get the bonfire going. Thanks, Y/n."

I looked at my side and saw Jihyo.

"You should be thanking Chaeyoung, not me," I replied.

"Hey, Sana," Chaeyoung and Momo said at the same time.

Chaeyoung nodded at Momo, signaling her to go first.

Momo took a deep breath and looked at Sana. "I spent some time thinking about how I acted today, about the toilet and how pushy I was because I wanted to save points. I'm sorry."

Chaeyoung also took a deep breath before continuing. "I also wanted to apologize for my actions, about drinking the water from the river. Just like Momo, I also wanted to preserve points. I should have respected your opinion instead of forcing you."

Sana's eyew widened. "Wh-why are you apologizing to me all of the sudden?"

Chaeyoung smiled. "I just remembered the first time I went camping. The toilet was awful and of course there were bugs crawling around everywhere. I also complained how much I hated drinking the water from the river. I even told my parents that I wanted to go home."

Momo scratched her nape and averted her eyes. "The truth is, I felt relieved when Jihyo said that we'll buy the temporary toilet. I guess the thought of having points blinded me and made me desperate. Again, I'm sorry. And thank you for opening my eyes."

"I'm... sorry for earlier, too. For insisting to not to use the basic toilet. For saying that I couldn't drink from the river. I think I got way too emotional. We won't be able to keep any of our points if we don't learn to adjust," Sana smiled.

The other students probably took this as a good sign. Jihyo, determined not to let this opportunity pass, raised her hand and gathered everyone's attention.

"Everyone, I have an announcement. This special test is a first for all of us. Everyone sees things their own way, so it's only natural that there'll be some disputes. However, I want us all to push forward and trust in each other until the very end, without panicking.*

After composing herself, Jihyo continued. *After all, everyone here wants to end up with at least one point, right? Therefore, I tried to come up with a number that we can realistically aim for. By the end of the test, we could have 120 points or more left.*

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