19: Slowly Progressing

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• Slowly Progressing •

Y/n's POV

On Sunday morning, I went to the shopping mall to meet Dahyun and fulfill my promise.

I sat down on a bench and waited for her.

For someone who generally spent weekends lounging in her room, this place made me nervous.

"Good morning, Y/n!"

In the surrounding hustle and bustle, Dahyun drew nearer, a wide smile on her face.

I unintentionally glanced over Dahyun's whole body. Seeing her in casual attire for the first time was so overwhelming.

"Good morning, Dahyun. You look great."

Dahyun smiled brightly then sat beside me. "Thank you. You don't look bad, either, Y/n. Wait. Were you waiting long?"

"Ah, no. I just got here."

She hummed then looked at our surroundings. "This is the first time we've met up on a day off. It's refreshing."

The students who passed us would occasionally steal a glance at Dahyun in her casual clothes. In the case of passing couples, the girlfriend would appear upset and grab her boyfriend by the cheek.

Suddenly, Dahyun froze, which I thought was strange.

"What's the matter?* I asked.

I looked at her but she remained silent.

*Ah. Sorry. I think I might look a little out of place next to you," I murmured.

Dahyun quickly looked at me and shook her head. "No, no, that's not true at all. I think we're great together."

"So, you're saying that someone simple like me is a good match for you?"

"Yes. I don't really care what others say. I don't think it's an insult at all. I really think we suit each other," she smiled.

I felt like she was teasing me casually with only a few words.

I coughed and averted my eyes. "So, about Mina. Was she okay with it? Inviting me out, I mean."

"Well, she asked me to invite you, Y/n. Didn't Mina contact you?"

"Huh?" I looked at her. "No. I haven't really talked to her.*

I recalled meeting up with Mina at the special building. That had been about the extent of our contact.

*Wait... Isn't that Mina sitting next to us?"

Mina, clearly flustered and indeed sitting on the bench next to us, stood and gave a sheepish bow. "I'm sorry, I don't stand out much, I suppose... Good morning."

Had Mina really been sitting there the entire time? We hadn't noticed her at all.

"No, I don't think you blend in too much. I definitely felt your presence," I said.

Mina slowly straightened her posture. "Oh, you don't need to say that for my sake, Y/n.*

She was wearing a hat, and even a surgical face mask, which made it difficult to recognize her at a glance. Sheepishly, she removed her mask.

She didn't seem to have a cold. Rather, she seemed like the type to wear the mask to avoid attention.

*So anyway, about my digital camera. Is it okay if we go to the electronics store in the mall?" Mina asked.

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