10: Colder than Ice

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• Colder Than Ice •

Y/n's POV

After an especially long day, we finally finished class.

Tzuyu stood and went in front of me. "Have you gathered everyone in the study group?"

"Dahyun's bringing them. I wonder if she'll participate."

"Dahyun? I thought I specified that she wasn't allowed to participate..." Tzuyu then left and went to the library while I silently followed.

When I walked past Dahyun, she gave me a wink.

Tzuyu and I arrived at the library and secured a long table at the far end and waited for the others.

"I've brought everyone!" Dahyun came over to where we were seated.

Jeongyeon, Momo, and Chaeyoung had all shown up. However, they'd brought an unexpected visitor.

 However, they'd brought an unexpected visitor

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It was one of our classmates, Jeon Somi.

"Somi? You failed, too?" I asked.

"Ah, no. I was just close to failing, so I was worried." Somi looked up at me, puffing out her cheeks. "Is it not okay for me to join you? It's a little difficult to join Jihyo's group."

"As long as you're worried about failing, I don't mind. But you need to be serious,* Tzuyu replied.

Somi sat down, seemingly happy.

Dahyun pulled the sit next to Somi, which Tzuyu certainly noticed. *Dahyun, did Y/n not tell you—"

"I'm also worried about getting a bad grade," Dahyun replied and glanced at me.

Tzuyu squinted her eyes at Dahyun. "You didn't score badly on the test."

"Well. To tell you the truth, I just got lucky." Dahyun chuckled and lightly scratched her cheek. "There were lots of multiple-choice questions and I guessed about half of them. I just barely passed so I want to join the study group to avoid getting a bad grade. That's okay, right Tzuyu?"

Bringing Somi had been part of my plan. I told Dahyun on the phone yesterday to use Somi to justify joining the group.

Dahyun had first confirmed that Somi could join the study group, then turned the tables on Tzuyu. Now Tzuyu would have to permit Dahyun to join.

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