12: Another Dilemma

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• Another Dilemma •

Y/n's POV

The study group seemed to have gotten off to a good start.

JeongMoChaeng started changing their behavior. They frantically repeated everything written on the blackboard, wracking their brains to understand the problem.

When the lunch bell rang, everyone made a mad dash for the cafeteria. After lunch, everyone had agreed to meet in the library for a twenty-minute study session.

At first, we'd planned to study in the classroom. However, for a better concentration, we decided to avoid noise and use the library.

Anyway, the main reason was that Tzuyu wanted to avoid Jihyo.

Her study group also met during lunch, and if we were reviewing materials nearby, they'd likely try to talk to us. Tzuyu absolutely did not want that.

"What are you doing for lunch, Tzuyu?" I asked.

"Well, I—"

"Y/n! Do you want to eat lunch together? I don't have any plans today!" Dahyun unexpectedly hopped out in front of me.

"Hm? Sure. Tzuyu, do you want to eat together with—" I began.

"I already have plans. Please excuse me." Tzuyu stood and stalked out of the classroom by herself.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. Am I possibly... being a bother?" Dahyun asked.

"Oh, no. Not at all." I shook my head.

Had Dahyun planned that, by chance? After I'd discovered Dahyun's secret she'd been rather blatant about keeping tabs on me.

Though she said that she believed me, she might still suspect I'd tell someone.

Dahyun and I went to the café to get lunch together. When we arrived, the absolute flood of people overwhelmed me.

"How about we go to the cafeteria after all? I feel kind of uncomfortable here," I said.

"You'll be fine once you get used to it. It seems like Seokjin comes here every day. See?" Dahyun pointed to a table in the back, where Seokjin sat.

He looked just as grand and imposing as ever. I'd never seen him around during lunchtime.

"He seems really popular. Those girls around him are all third years." Dahyun was surprised.

He certainly didn't act shy at all around the third-year ladies. Rather, he ate his food while they practically pressed up against him.

"That guy is really something else," I murmured.

"His name seems to be going around lately. People are talking about him."

"So, were those girls after his money? What a sad world," I remarked.

"Those girls are just being realists. You can't afford to eat on dreams alone," she said.

"Are you a realist, Dahyun?"

"I'd say I'm a bit of a dreamer. Something like a knight in shining armor would be nice.*

We sat as far away from Seokjin as possible.

*What about you, Y/n? Do you like girls like Tzuyu?" she asked.

"Why'd you bring up Tzuyu?"

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