16: She Needs Us and We Need Her

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• She Needs Us and We Need Her •

Y/n's POV

"Isn't Jeongyeon just the worst?"

"Can't she behave just once?"

An uproar enveloped the classroom, and things started to get out of hand.

If we ended up losing points because of this, Jeongyeon would most likely become the sole target of our class's frustrations.

Naturally, Dahyun didn't want this to happen.

"Everyone, can you please listen to what I have to say?" Dahyun stood and tried to silence the commotion. "What our teacher said seems to be true. Jeongyeon may have been in a fight. However, Jeongyeon was dragged into it.*

Dahyun conveyed yesterday's story to the whole class. Most of the class listened to her heartfelt words in silence.

She had an innate ability to connect with people. Her presence glowed so brightly that I could almost feel it.

*I'd like to ask you all again. If anyone knows someone who saw what happened, whether it's someone in class, a friend, or an upperclassman, please tell me. You can contact me at any time. I would sincerely appreciate it."

"But, Dahyun. I just can't believe what Jeongyeon said. I think she lied so she could justify what she did," one student said.

The rest of the class voiced out their dissatisfaction with Jeongyeon in turn.

"She talked about beating up kids all the time in junior high and boasted how fun it was."

"She grabbed some kid by the collar just because they bumped into each other in the hallway."

"The other day, she cut in line in the cafeteria and lash out when someone tried to tell her that wasn't okay."

Dahyun's appeal for Jeongyeon's innocence didn't seem to have reached anyone.

"I want to believe her.* Jihyo, the class hero, uttered those words as she stood in support of Dahyun.

*If a student in another class were casting doubt on her, I could understand it. But I think it's wrong to doubt a classmate right away. Shouldn't friends do everything within their power to help someone in need?" She asked.

"I agree!" Sana, Jihyo's girlfriend, called out in agreement. "If it were a false charge, that'd be a problem, wouldn't it? In any case, you'd feel bad for her if she were innocent, right?"

If Dahyun lived by the softness of her heart, then Sana lived by the strength of her will.

Jeongyeon's critics stopped, at least for the time being. Jihyo, Sana, and Dahyun had attracted the rest of our class's admiration.

"I'll try asking my friends!" Dahyun said.

"Well then, I'll try asking the upperclassmen I know in the music club," Jihyo smiled.

"I'll ask around, too," replied Sana.

Starting with those three, we launched our investigation to prove Jeongyeon's innocence.

Well, I guessed I didn't have to take a turn. I wouldn't be any good at this, anyway.

Better to just leave it to them and fade out quietly.

When lunchtime came, Dahyun had invited me with a smile. "Want to get lunch?"

I planned to fade out but...

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