31: Who to Trust?

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• Who to Trust? •

Y/n's POV

I kneeled on the ground by the river and scooped some water to wash the wound on my neck.

"Are you sure we're not going to report those Class A students who assaulted us?" Momo sat beside me as she poured some alcohol into the cotton ball.

I changed my position from kneeling to an indian sit so that I could face her better. "I doubt the teachers would believe us because of the lack of evidence. Let's just be careful next time."

Momo nodded and proceeded with healing my wound. "Look to the right so that I could get a better view of your wound.*

Once I did, she lightly tapped the cotton ball on my neck. When she finished applying alcohol to me, she placed the bandage over my wound.

*There, all done," Momo smiled and caressed my neck. "Since it's just a small cut, it'll heal in no time."

"Thank you," I stood and offered my hand to her.

She gladly took my hand and replied, "Thank you, too. For letting me accompany you today."

I nodded. "You should take a rest. I can visit the other two classes on my own."

"Are you sure? I'm not yet tired," she did some stretching and warm-ups then faced me. "See?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Besides..." I placed my hands in my pocket. "Rumors might escalate in our class if they see only the two of us together."

"Like dating rumors?" Momo's lips formed into a smirk.

"Yes," I looked away. "Don't worry, I understand why people don't like being associated with me."

"And you assume that I'm one of those people?"

I faced her and met her eyes. "Is my assumption wrong?"

"Well..." She slowly walked toward me. "Do you have enough evidence to support your claims?"

"Evidence, hmm?" I leaned down so I could match her height. "If you answer the question, 'do you want to be associated with me?' then that's my evidence."

She chuckled and reached for my neck that had a wound. "Why do you think I gave my loyalty to you even though I knew it would risk my family's reputation?" she then slowly looked into my eyes. "I trust you, Y/n. And I hope one day, you'll trust me too."

I avoided her gaze once again. "See you later."

I turned and walked away, not waiting for her response.

But after a few seconds I heard her say, "Be careful."

When I was far from her, I held my chest, confused why my heart rate suddenly increased.

I shook my head and cleared my thoughts as I went down to the beach to check out how Class C was doing.

When I reached my destination, I came to a halt.

Yesterday, this place had been filled with raucous noise, but now it's a ghost town.

"Wow, this is seriously a surprise!"

I turned because of the sudden voice behind me.

"Hey, Nayeon," I greeted and subtly fixed my hair to cover the bandage on my neck.

"Did you come here to spy around too, Y/n?"

"I'm in charge of finding food," I replied. "I was searching around the forest, and ended up here."

Association of Failures Twice x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now