35: The Revelation

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• The Revelation •

Y/n's POV

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen!" Seokjin, on the ship's deck with a drink in hand, greeted Class D. "How was your week on the deserted island?"

"You jerk, Seokjin!" Jeongyeon pointed at him. "We lost thirty points because of you!"

"Well, I was in poor health," Seokjin shrugged. "I had no other choice."

Seokjin's skin looked smooth and glossy, so it was easy to tell that he had spent the week tanning.

"Poor health your face!" Our classmates shouted.

Tzuyu then appeared.

She was still pale, not in good health yet.

The students noticed her presence, and naturally gathered around her, forgetting Seokjin.

"Tzuyu! Are you feeling better now?" Dahyun was the first to ask.

"How are you, Tzuyu?" All our classmates asked Tzuyu full of concern.

"Uh..." Tzuyu probably felt overwhelmed because almost all of our classmates are gathering around her. "I can't say that I'm back to full health."

"Wait. What really happened, Jihyo? Why was Class D ranked first?" Sana asked.

"Well, Sana, I think you should talk to Tzuyu first, don't you agree?" replied Jihyo.

"Oh. Right." Sana drew closer to Tzuyu. "Tzuyu, do you have a minute?"

"Uhm." Tzuyu's eyes lingered, as if looking for someone. Since our classmates are around her, she couldn't see me. "Yes...There's something that we're supposed to talk about. Right?"

When Sana nodded, Tzuyu looked down.

Tzuyu must be thinking of the necklace theft, and how she'd accused Sana of spending points selfishly while her own identity as the leader had been discovered and she'd retired.

"I'm sorry." Sana said it somewhat bluntly, but with sincerity. "Yeji stole my necklace. Jihyo told us everything."

"Huh?" Tzuyu lifted her head with a puzzled look.

"When you noticed that Yeji was the culprit, she tried to run because you questioned her, right? That's why you ended up collapsing and getting sick,* Sana explained.

Tzuyu then unexpectedly met my eyes.

I felt kind of awkward for some reason, and averted my eyes.

*Jihyo explained everything to us. She also said that you found out the leaders of Class A and C. That's why we had so many points. So, I'm...sorry for everything I said." Sana then immediately returned to the other girls after apologizing.

"Wait a minute. I didn't know the leaders–"

"There's no need for you to be humble, Tzuyu! You deserve all the credit!" said our classmates.

"Wait...Y/n–" Tzuyu called to me in the midst of all the joy and confusion.

However, being the key player in our victory, she was now surrounded by a great number of classmates.

"Tzuyu, you were so incredibly awesome! You're seriously a genius, you know that?!"

"When I heard that you'd retired I wondered what was going to happen, but everything turned out okay!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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