21: The Trial

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• The Trial •

Y/n's POV

The day our fate would be decided was here.

As the bell rang for the end of class, Tzuyu and I stood.

"Have you prepared for this, Jeongyeon?" Tzuyu asked.

"Yeah... I'm good. I was born ready."

"Do your best, Tzuyu. Jeongyeon," Dahyun smiled.

Tzuyu didn't respond at all but Jeongyeon pumped her fist to show resolve.

I turned to check on Mina who was still sitting down, her body rigid. "Mina. Are you okay?"

She stood, her lips trembling slightly. "Yeah... I'm okay. Thank you..."

"Let's go. We'll make a bad impression if we're late," said Tzuyu.

The discussion was scheduled to begin at 4:00 PM. It was already 3:50 PM. We couldn't afford to take it slow.

When the four of us got to the faculty room, a teacher waved at us to come on insid.

"Yahoo! Hello, Class D students!" The homeroom teacher for Class B, Ms. Joy, gave us this happy-go-lucky greeting.

*It seems like something rather incredible has happened, hmm?" Her eyes sparkled, as if she enjoyed sticking her nose into other people's business.

"What are you doing this time?" Ms. Irene muttered.

"Oh no. I've been found out already," Ms. Joy pouted.

Ms. Irene glared over at Ms. Joy as she exited the faculty room. "Whenever you sneak out, that's around the time I start to feel suspicious."

"So I guess I can't join in, huh?"

"Of course you can't." Ms. Irene forcefully pushed Ms. Joy back into the faculty room. "Outsiders cannot participate.*

She then turned to us. "Well then, shall we be going?"

"We're not going to do this in the faculty room?" Tzuyu asked.

"Of course not. This school does have rather complicated rules, but in cases such as these a settlement is reached between the homeroom teacher of the class in question, the concerned parties, and the student council."

Tzuyu froze the very moment she heard the words "student council."

Our teacher, as usual, had revealed an important detail right at the last minute.

Ms. Irene turned and glanced sharply at Tzuyu's face. "If you want to stop, now's the time, Tzuyu."

"No, I'll go. I'm fine."

Tzuyu quickly glanced at me. Her look probably meant something like, "Don't worry on my account."

We left the first-floor faculty room and walked up three floors to the fourth.

Association of Failures Twice x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now