End of Phase II: Party! Party!

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• Party! Party! •

Y/n's POV

"Yey! Victory is ours!" Chaeyoung jumped up and down on my bed.

Once again, I have found them in my room.

I planned to protest. However, seven against one is a disadvantageous situation for me.

Yes. We are now eight in my room.

I invited Nayeon and Mina over since they had a huge role in Jeongyeon's misfortunate event.

"I was really confused when those Class C guys said that they would withdraw their claim. I wonder what you guys did," said Jeongyeon.

"It was all thanks to Tzuyu's magnificent mind. I still can't believe that you thought of something like that, Tzuyu," Nayeon spoke.

"I would have not been able to come up with that solution if...* Tzuyu glanced at me then shut her mouth.

If she had continued her sentence, I would have just denied it. Besides, I doubt that they would believe her words.

*You should also thank Mina for her bravery. If she hadn't stepped forward and testified, the chances of Jeongyeon getting punished won't go lower," Tzuyu said, diverting the topic.

"Uhm. Well...Actually, I thought of backing out on the day of the deliberation. But thanks to Y/n, I had the courage to fight on the battlefield...I haven't had the chance to say this when you and Nayeon rescued me from my stalker so...I think now is the perfect time...Thank you." Mina looked at me but when our eyes met she quickly covered her face.

I looked around my room. When I thought back on it, I realized that we've been through a lot since arriving at this school.

I wonder...Will we still have a decent and peaceful life here?

I doubt it.

"Hey, Y/n." Dahyun snapped her fingers in front of me.


She chuckled. "You were spacing out. Can you hear me now?"

"Yeah. Sorry. What was that again?" I asked.

"Do you want a girlfriend?"

That was unexpected.

All of them stopped moving and looked over us. I can even hear the sounds of cricket chirping because of the deafening silence.

"Uh... Why?"

"Just to be sure, there's really nothing between you and Tzuyu?" she hesitated.

I shook my head. "Nothing's going on between us. Why'd you ask?"

Dahyun's lips then curved into a smile. "I see. I guess I misunderstood. You two have gotten really close now, huh?"

I looked over Tzuyu who was busy reading a book. Dostoevsky's Demons. A good choice.

Suddenly, Momo sat on my lap and traced my face with her fingers. "So Y/n, if nothing's happening with you and Tzuyu, is there anyone you like?"

I wasn't really surprised by her actions since she has already done that to me several times. Well, it's not just me. Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung, and especially Dahyun also received Momo's clinginess.

Back to Momo's question, nobody really came to mind. I tried to seriously think about it for just a little bit.

"Hmm. No one," I answered.

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