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**TW**: NSFW!! blood, burning skin, pain kink, extremely dubious consent, orgasm denial Dom/sub energy, Sub wants to die, Sub is sad, super rough sex, super rough public sex, degradation, public humiliation, sexual harassment, emotional distress, definitely some grooming here, family conflict, Sub is loosing meaningful relationships with others, Sub is actually kind of mean to the people she cares about, inappropriate Force use, men are assholes, men with bad tempers, slightly more than very VERY problematic, kylo is mean to us again, kylo hits us again, kylo throws us onto the floor, guys kylo is not nice, kylo makes us bleed, he may or may not restrain us, definitely no aftercare in this one sry, he's an asshole I know, inappropriate use of a lightsaber but not in the way you think, again this is violent and most definitely toxic.....

Ok friends this one is ROUGH again. Please do not read this if you have issues with anything listed above.

** also for legal reasons plz don't read this if you are in a tender mental state **

**AN: This is the longest one yet, and one of my favorites because I love mean Kylo...Please comment and let me know what you think! The feedback means so much to me! Also I was super excited to get this one to you guys early so if you see any grammar issues...no u don't<3 **END AN**

ALSO LAST THING: I made a playlist for this Fic! Here is the link<3 It is also posted on my page under "conversations"

The playlist may have some hints as to where the story is going;)


Fuck him.

How could he put you in this position?

Why did you let him put you in this position?

You hated him.

Your ship floated through the blue blur of lightspeed as your mind turned aggressively. You fought down the sudden urge to turn back to the terminal and pray the smugglers hadn't left yet.

Your decision to return to Starkiller had been impulsive. It had been reactionary.

You cursed at yourself internally.

That had been your one chance to escape the First Order.

Had you just blown your only shot of having a normal life?

You strained for a moment, trying to remember why you'd felt compelled to return to him. You remembered the night before. The way he had hurt you. The way he had healed you.

The feeling of his lips on yours...

You remembered the power you'd felt surging through him. The way he'd promised it could be yours. You remembered how good it had felt to give orders; to feel the fear in others.

Fuck a normal life.

You wanted the Dark Side.

You wanted Kylo Ren.

The realization made you feel sick to your stomach. You meant nothing to him. Why did he mean something to you?

He doesn't. You snapped at yourself.

It was just sex.

Strange, violent and wildly addicting sex.

That's all.

It wasn't healthy and you knew that. But fuck was it good.

Even so, you wanted more than just sex from him. Whether you wanted to believe it or not, you found yourself equally seduced by his power, his energy.

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