...Or Swim (Pt 2)

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***We made it besties. My notes will be at the end this time. I'm already crying. Again, no TW for the finale. I don't want to spoil anything. But for legal purposes I will just say 4 letters... N S F W.


***KYLO'S POV***


He felt her.

She was close.

Or was he hallucinating?

He felt her gentle energy poking and prodding at the perimeter of his consciousness. She said his name and he heard it inside of his mind as clear as if she were laying beside him, curled up inside of his arms.

"Hold on! I'm coming." She spoke again, even clearer than before

He tried to respond but couldn't. He struggled against the power that crushed him. The darkness crept over him little by little as the burden of the invisible weight pressed down even harder on his chest. He felt his cognizance slip away slowly as he tried to hold onto the comfort of her presence.

Had he already died? Was this heaven?

He'd never really given any thought to the afterlife, but if he had, he certainly wouldn't have assigned himself a place above the stars.

But yet, it was warm and quiet where he had landed. It was peaceful and still, and his mind was settling in for the rest he had longed for...and she was there. She was with him somehow as he slipped away.

She was close. And drawing closer.

It was as near to heaven as he felt he'd ever get.

He stayed connected to her as he tumbled further into the gentle darkness. Although his ability to respond was long gone, it was enough just to feel her. He could see her mind and could feel her fear and frustration.

He was fairly certain her energy was a hallucination. It was undoubtably a last-ditch effort made by his conscious to convince him to fight his way back into the light.

His mother had been on that shuttle. He had felt her. There was no way Kyber was back. His mother would have never given up such a powerful weapon.

He wouldn't fall for it. But even in his certainty of the inaccuracy of her presence, he wanted to silence the worry prevailing in her consistent attempts to reach out to him. He wanted to tell her not to be afraid. He wanted to tell her that he liked where he was. He wanted to tell her that he wasn't trapped anymore.

He wanted to tell her that he was finally free.

Just as she was.

But he couldn't respond. All he could do was see inside of her thoughts as she approached, desperate to reach him. And in this moment, as he shared her mind, he saw a vision dance across her thoughts.

It was him.

He was on his knees in front of her, a black ring in his open hand, a question lingering over his lips as he looked up at her.

Almost instantly, before he could process it, the vision changed.

It was still him, but now he was sitting on the balcony of an old, wooden structure. His face had changed. He was older but she was still there, sitting by his side. Her face was softer and more mature, but still strikingly beautiful. She smiled at him and waved out into the trees that surrounded the small, log house. A pair of dark-haired boys emerged from the woods, pushing and shoving each other as they ran towards the porch.

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