Worth It

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**TW**: NSFW. Dom/sub energy, Sub is sad, Sub acts like a bitch, obvious emotional manipulation, emotional distress, Sub is loosing real relationships left and right, Sub is actually SUPER mean to the people she cares about, men are assholes, WOMEN are assholes, men with bad tempers, WOMEN with bad tempers, slightly more than very VERY problematic, description of death, description of medical trauma/ procedures, description of literal wounds, guys kylo is not nice, kylo makes us sad, we make kylo sad, this one is really heavy emotionally, I kind of cried writing this one, emotional manipulation but idk, does he love us or is he a dick? maybe both, we don't know, we don't find out, we fight, there is yelling and cursing and gaslighting and TRAUMA, marriage story but make it kylo, wall punching, my therapist hated this chapter more than the last one, kind of worse than the physical abuse idk, this one is VERY heavy emotionally so maybe steer clear if you struggle with toxic relationships/ verbal altercations/fighting, you'll probably be sad then happy then sad then happy then confused, we get to see him fuck us up emotionally this time, why do we stan this man so hard idk...

*This one is special to me! It's my version of a 'Bottle Episode' and is an important filler chapter! I've been waiting to highlight Kylo more as a character and embed him deeper into Y/N's character arc. We are starting to dig into who space daddy is and how I think he would act in an actual relationship while keeping him true to character. There are MULTIPLE POV CHANGES in this chapter so please pay attention to the headers!

**I did my best to do some research on the medical stuff in this part but that is NOT my background at ALL...so if it doesn't track let's not be dicks about it.

***Also there is no smut in this one for obvious reasons...BUTTTT there is not much in this WORLD that turns me on more than Adam Driver yelling. I tried to write their fight around his performance in marriage story. So try to picture those vibes when you get there.

****Sorry for all the notes on this one...but as always I CRAVE your feedback! I live for it so please let me know your thoughts as you go! Happy reading! <3




The room was dark except for the large hologram that sat in the middle of the elevated pedestal.

The face of the sizeable figure was obstructed as he slouched forward on the transparent throne. On a lower platform, Commander Ren knelt before him, his masked gaze focused on the floor.

The haunting hologram bent lower on the throne.

"You've been reckless, Commander." The cold voice echoed through the large, dim chamber. "I told you she was your responsibility..."

The Commander's head rose to meet the gaze from the elevated hologram as it continued.

"Are you still capable of grooming the asset..." The clouded figure snarled. "...or have your personal endeavors gotten in the way?"

"She will be ready, Supreme Leader."

"And what of your feelings, my young apprentice..." The figure leaned back. "...I feel your conflict. Your pain. Tell me..." He paused. "...does sentiment cloud your judgment?"

"I have it under control." The Commander snapped.

"See to it that you do." The transparent being crouched forward. "We can't afford another setback such as this one..."

The Commander nodded. "Yes, Supreme Leader."

"If she survives, I've arranged for her to be...moved...for your...convenience."

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