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**TW**: NSFW!! SUPER DUPER NSFW. Unless you work at PornHub and then it's probably spot on, Dom/sub energy,  potential emotional manipulation, emotional distress, men are assholes, WOMEN are assholes, men with bad tempers, WOMEN with bad tempers, slightly more than very VERY problematic, description of wounds, description of medical trauma/ period drama/procedures/description of scars, rough sex, choking, blood, blood play, guys kylo is actually kind of nice but not really, kylo makes us sad but also happy, we make kylo sad but also happy, this one is really heavy emotionally, I kind of cried writing this one again, does he love us or is he a dick? maybe both, we don't know, we don't find out, we fight, there is yelling and cursing and gaslighting and TRAUMA, and really hot sex that comes from fighting but is hot healthy at all, marriage story but make it starwars and hot, aftercare kind of but not really, abandonment issues, discussing of grooming and family trauma, my therapist hated this chapter too, kind of worse than the physical abuse idk,  steer clear if you struggle with toxic relationships/ verbal altercations/fighting/sex that comes from fighting, makeup sex but not really, he continues to fuck us up emotionally, but also do we fuck him up emotionally? He kind of opens up to us but is it sus? This one is spicy AF, make sure you're in a private space, make sure you have water probably at least two bottles to be safe.......

**I think a lot of you have been waiting for this one for a while. This one is the longest one yet and is a big chapter for Kylo. I'm a fan of mean, hard-ass Kylo, but it's time to give space daddy some more depth. We get to see him open up in a few different ways in this chapter! I know I have loved every second of it and I hope you do too! I'm working hard to build their relationship organically. I want it to flow realistically while keeping Kylo true to his character. But fear not, mean Kylo isn't going far.

***Anyways. Love you guys! Thank you for your support this week! PLEASE let me know your thoughts as you read!<3

***ALSO!!! The song for this chapter (specifically the spicy part) is 'Watch Me Burn' by Michele Morrone. If you play this and imagine the shower part you'll probably need to take a fucking lap.     ;) happy reading

You eyed the clock.

You knew that they were waiting for the middle of the night to move you. Later in the evening, meant less people on shift, which meant less people available to spy on the Commander's weird business. As the clock rolled over to midnight, you knew it was nearly time to go.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, you heard movement in the hallway. You squinted your eyes as Dr. Rivers walked into your room pushing a wheelchair.

"Alright Captain, ready to...roll?" She snickered to herself at her pun.

You sighed. "Do I have a choice?"

"Nope. Let's get you up."

You huffed and swung your legs over the side of the bed.

"Can I at least walk?" You snapped as you gestured to the wheelchair. "I don't think that's necessary..."

Her eyes sparkled. Your attitude didn't faze her in the slightest. It was obvious she was used to much worse.

"Please, my Dear..." She motioned for you to stand. " my guest."

You sucked on your teeth and slid off of the bed to your feet. As your bare feet hit the cold floor, you felt your injuries for the first time.

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