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You opened a single eye just enough to see your datapad light up beside your bed.


"Urrrghh" you muttered incoherently as you pushed the data pad off the bedside table where it promptly fell to the floor. 

You barely heard the light thud it made on the tile. You were already back inside your dream.

You always dreamed of home.


You were walking through a familiar dense forest. Rustling through the vegetation and out into the sunlight. The forest melted away behind you, giving way to new scenery. 

Your eyes adjust to the light as they settle on the glistening lake before you. The roar of an adjacent waterfall floods your ears. You stare out at the vast meadow circling the water, smiling at the familiar sight. You charge through the flowers, fingers lingering on the petals as you run through them, arms outstretched.

Your run turns into a slow walk as you continue down the dirt road that cuts through the meadow.

Sun kisses your skin as a light breeze picks up the ends of your hair, swirling them in front of your face. A giggle escapes your lips as your hair wraps up your face and briefly over your eyes. Through your hair you see the meadow give way to massive fields of corn and wheat. Crops stretch out before you as far as the eye can see.

The outskirts of your family farm are visible as you push your hair behind your ears and strain for a better view. You listen to the familiar sound of the worker droids as they buzz around the crops. 

Slightly ahead, a crop duster zigzags over the land, spraying the fields and dodging the worker droids.

A grin breaks out over your face as you remember flying those same crop dusters alongside your brother. It was one of your favorite pastimes growing up.

Your eyes scanned the fields as your mind raced. Maybe there is another duster parked nearby...I'd give anything to fly one aga--



The constant whaling of your datapad comes crashing back into your conscience, easily overpowering the light hum of the crop duster flying overhead.

You are sucked out of your dream once again.

"URGGHH". You moan more aggressively this time as you sit up in bed, opening both eyes. Leaning over, you grab your data pad off the floor. The time reads 0410. You dim the brightness on your pad, as the sharp backlight threatens to spilt your head in two. You open your messages.


Message 001475

SENT 0400

*Not received


*Not received




SHOW: 0430


*Received 0410


"You've got to be fucking kidding me." You groaned aloud.

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