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**TW**: NSFW, LIKE REALLLLLLLY NSFW, don't you dare read this one at work bestie, you need to keep your job, he hasn't hurt us in a while so y'all should have known it was coming soon, choking, orgasm denial, dom/sub relationship vibes, daddy kink, dubious consent, pain kink, degradation, name calling, painful sex, painful orgasm, fisting maybe idk, squirting maybe idk, new sex stuff that is hot and will make you feel like this is porn, wait is this porn?, emotional manipulation but not in the way you think, emotional distress, men are assholes, WOMEN are assholes, slightly more than problematic, this is not a happy one but also not exactly sad, this story has fucked up my life, we are in love, get ready to be uncomfortable, abandonment issues, y/n is a baddie in this one again, she is hot, steer clear if you struggle with toxic relationships/sexual tension that comes from toxicity, we need a seatbelt because of the rollercoaster this man has put us on, kylo is horrible with communication, Kylo legit can not use his words, he doesn't know how to express himself, this one could be hard emotionally and physically, but there are cute moments tho, DADDY ISSUES GALORE, family issues galore, Y/n is mean, y/n is losing real relationships, praise kink fo sho, plot heavy for sure but still sexy, hella spicy so maybe read this one ALONE if you catch my drift, please have water close, 18-32 ounces should do it, hints to the future plot/ending are in this one...try to pick up on them! Y'all best read these damn notes because no cap they take just as long as the chapters to write...

*Hey all! Thanks for waiting on me! Sorry my life has been a shit show lately. If you see any grammar issues, no you don't.

**Song for this chapter is 'Met Him Last Night' by Demi Lovato and Ariana Grande! URL for the entire playlist is:

***I hope you like this one! PLEASE let me know what you think! Also, as we near the end of this fic, I'd love to hear your predictions for the ending. Feel free to speculate in the comments if you want! Just a few more chapters to go! (It will be happy/satisfying, don't panic.)

****The final chapters will be a bit more spread out, so make sure you're following me here on Wattpad, as well as on Instagram and Tiktok to stay in the loop! Handle is (at symbol) SimpremeLeader! As always, my DMs on any of these platforms are forever open to feedback of any kind. Or, if you simply find yourself struggling or in need of a buddy to chat with, I am not a therapist but will talk about space dad with you until I die.

LASTLY, can we all obsess over the new, permanent book cover for a second?! It was done by the INSANELY talented, on IG and lambic_and_lace on Tiktok! If you haven't seen the beautiful content from this creator, PLEASE do yourself a favor and check it out!

K thats all! Love you! Happy reading and have a great week! <3


***Avery's POV***


He kept this ship low to the ground, hovering in between the thin span of air between the thick cloud layer above and the dense treetops below.

He fumed as he flew west, towards the mountains of Naboo, his head spinning from the interaction he'd just had. Checking the clock on the panel, he sighed loudly. Just a few hours until sunrise. Just a few hours until he had to arrest his own father or betray his sister. Betray his friends.

"Some fucking choice..." He muttered to himself as he drifted down into an open clearing. As his TIE settled down into the field, an idea populated into his mind.

The plan was insidious and formed quickly. It wasn't perfect, but it was a way to save them both, his father and his sister.

He felt his heart clench as he thought about her. He felt sick as he replayed the scene in his mind. As he pictured her dark eyes, her cold voice, her eerie power and her challenging demeanor, he felt himself growing apprehensive. But despite her new persona, she was still a part of him. She had been there for him his entire life. She had encouraged him, supported him and loved him unconditionally even when he didn't deserve it. And now, it was his turn to love her unconditionally.

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