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**TW**: NSFW!! Blood, a TON of blood, still hot tho, pain kink, Dom/sub energy, Sub is sad, Sub acts like a bitch, obvious emotional manipulation, super public degradation, sexual harassment, emotional distress, definitely some grooming here, Sub kind of does the grooming, Sub begins to manipulate others, Sub is loosing real relationships left and right, Sub is actually SUPER mean to the people she cares about, men are assholes, WOMEN are assholes, men with bad tempers, WOMEN with bad tempers, slightly more than very VERY problematic, description of death, description of literally bleeding out, description of choking to death, description of potentially necks snapping idk no spoilers but send help, kylo is more than mean, bones breaking, we are shot idk, kylo legit kills us idk, kylo throws us onto the floor, guys kylo is not nice, kylo makes us bleed a lot, he may or may not do all of this publicly, he may or may not kill our friends (r they dead tho? idk no spoilers), there is no aftercare because are we are dead? he's an asshole here, more than usual, sub uses people for sex and uses sex itself as a coping mechanism to feel better .....

WELP....I have no words for this chapter other than read the paragraph above even if you feel like you don't need to. This is the longest one yet and it is wild, fam.

PS: ***If you have a pussy and you want it to throb, this is the song that I imagine is playing in the bar when they go in the bathroom.....whew, when the beat drops, lord help me....iykyk***

Song: 'The Buzz' by Hermitude, Malaya and TAPZ

***ALSO: if you haven't seen the cast list yet we are imagining long-haired Diego Boneta as'll want to know that for this one.***

As always, PLEASE let me know your thoughts as you read. I live for the feedback! Seriously, you have no idea<3

You kicked the door shut behind you. You could feel his heart pounding rapidly underneath your hand as you pushed him against the wall.

You pressed your body against his. Wrapping your arms behind his neck, you pulled his face close to yours.

And kissed him.

You felt his body tense as the initial surprise swept through him. After a moment, he relaxed and wrapped his hands around your waist, pulling you closer into him.

He kissed you deeply, the emotion behind his reaction surprised you. You baited the entrance of his lips with your tongue, trying to ignite him further.

He allowed it, teasing your tongue with his as he tugged away slightly, slowing you down. His lips were soft and hungry. He let you lead the kiss while keeping your desire at bay, prolonging the movement between you. He added a little pressure to your bottom lip, sucking it lightly before bringing both of his lips back to yours. He brought his hand to your face, kissing you softly one last time as he pulled away.

Your heart fluttered unexpectedly as you met his eyes.

Holy fuck.

He was a good kisser.

You knew he was...experienced. So it made sense...

You just weren't expecting...that.

He exhaled visibly as he smiled down at you, his eyes sparkled in the dim lighting of his entryway. He brought his forehead down to yours.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that..." He rubbed your cheek with his thumb.

You shallowed loudly, your heart bouncing in your chest. It was now or never.

"Marco, I need you to do something for me."

Tied Together (Kylo Ren X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now