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**TW**: NSFW!! Dom/sub energy, dubious consent, orgasm denial, emotional distress, masturbation but someone watches, Force use, detailed description of death, description of battle/carnage, drowning, kylo legit tries to drown us, aftercare kind of but not really, guys kylo is not nice, he tries to kill us, don't read this if u are in a tender mental state plz <3333

*note* : please read the TW! This one could be rough for you if you're in a fragile place <3

*note #2*: This one probs should have spent another couple days in editing, but I was DYING to get it to ya'll because I'm obsessed with it. So if you see any grammatical issues *no you don't*. ;)

Starkiller base was on fire.

The whole planet was burning. Imploding from the inside out.

You were running.

Fighting your way through the sea of smoke and debris, you fell into the hangar.

All but a few ships were gone from the grid. The floor crumbled beneath your feet; craters formed in the concrete around you. The room was caving in.

You had to find him.

Your heart ached with the burden of an unknown loss.

You knew you should get in one of the remaining ships, escape the planet and never look back.

But you weren't leaving without him.

Bodies littered the floor. Hundreds of stormtroopers, engineers, and pilots lay dead at your feet. Blood and soot covered the concrete. Your boots left tracks through the carnage.

You saw a familiar face sprawled out on a stretcher.


His head was torn open by a massive abrasion and his chest was wrapped in a blood drenched bandage. His blank expression looked up at you.

You dropped to your knees and gently touched his body, turning your head to the floor as the tears began to form.

Then you heard it. His quiet voice.

" th-that you?"

You gasped.

He was alive.

"Yes, Tom. I'm here!" The tears ran down your face. "H-How did this happen?"

"The Resistance..." His glaze was distant. "There were too many." His voice broke as he began to cry. "Ev-everyone is d-d-dead."


"Who, Tom? Who is dead?" your own voice was breaking, pleading with him to answer.

He looked you in the eyes. "Everyone." Tears streaked the blood on his face. "Wh-where were you?" he sobbed. "We needed you. You weren't there."

Your lip quivered. "I-I'm sorry...I-" your voice trailed off...

"We needed you."

"Thomas, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." You tried to wipe the blood from his face with your sleeve. You were shaking. "...but you have to tell me who is dead?

"Everyone, Ky..." His breathing shallowed. "...we never had a chance."

You were nearly hysterical now.

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