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**TW**: NSFW!! extremely dubious consent, drunken consent, Dom/sub energy,  masturbation but someone watches, blood, orgasm denial, rough sex, rough oral sex, public humiliation,  sexual harassment, emotional distress, Force use, men are assholes, men with bad tempers, slightly more than problematic, kylo is mean to us, kylo punches stuff, kylo literally bullies us when we are drunk, aftercare kind of but not really, guys kylo is not nice in this one either, he hurts us again, we are degraded, we kind of lick his blood, he may or may not push us out a window no spoilers idk I need professional help

Someone book me a therapy appointment ASAP.

**don't read this if you are in a tender mental state plz **

If you choose to read, thank you so much! Please comment and let me know what you think!

The comments and feedback give me LIFE! You guys don't even know! I thrive off of them. 

<3  Stay safe!

Fuck, fuck, fuck

Your heart dropped to your feet as you stared at the Commander.

He kicked the water bottle towards you.

"Pick it up." He barked.

Your head was spinning as you bent over to pick up the bottle. You leaned on the counter to stable yourself, shaking your head back and forth.

"W-what are you doing here?" you tried to keep from slurring your words.

He stared, unmoving.


You squinted at him. "Dude, how did you get in here?"

"Pet." He snarled. "I said, come."

He seemed angry.

Good. Fuck him.

You staggered your way towards him, coming to a pause in front of his broad shoulders.

"You're drunk." He spat.

"Maybe." You giggled. "But you didn't answer my question, Grand Master."

Without thinking, you reached out to touch his torso. "What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" poking his chest between the words.

Within the blink of an eye he had grabbed your wrist and pushed you around against the wall.

"I knew you had a fucking death wish." He growled in your ear.

You felt the drunken anger rise rapidly as your wrist immediately stung from the force of his grip. "What is your problem, man?" You tried to wiggle out of his hold. "Haven't you abused me enough for one day?"

He held you firmly.

"Abused?" His voice suddenly low. "You feel I've been unfair, pet?"

"Unfair?" you giggled manically. "No, I don't think you're unfair." You scowled at him. "I think you're disgusting."

He pushed you harder into the wall.

"Little Girl..." he brought his hand up to rest on your throat. "Keep talking to me like that and you'll see just how disgusting I can be."

You tried to shake him off. "Get your massive-ass hands off me you psycho."

He griped your neck, threatening your airway. "You're lucky you're drunk, pet..."

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