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**TW**: NSFW!! extremely dubious consent, Dom/sub energy, near death experiences, more than one...we maybe freeze to death idk, we pass out a few times idk, rough sex, rough oral sex, public humiliation, sexual harassment, emotional distress, Force use, men are assholes, men with bad tempers, slightly more than problematic, kylo is mean to us, kylo chokes us, kylo throws us into stuff, guys kylo is not nice in this one either, he hurts us again, aftercare kind of but not really, he says mean things to us, we may or may not get choke slammed to hell............Grab your water bottles.

Who is going to therapy with me this week?

**don't read this if you are in a tender mental state plz **

***AN: I am shook about this one.....I re-wrote it about 1,000 times and it's the longest one if you see any grammar issues *no u don't*<3.  I hope you like it! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment and let me know your thoughts! I'll be dying over here until I hear from y'all! Lol. : END AN***

Time slowed down around you.

Your stomach sunk to your feet at the sensation of falling backwards. The freezing air picked at your skin like needles as your body fell towards the snow-covered trees.

You screamed.

Plummeting to the earth you tried to quickly work through your chances of survival. It was only a three or four story fall. You had a chance of living depending on how you hit. With the precious seconds of free fall you attempted to relax your body and tilt yourself horizontally, protecting your head. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, waiting for the impact.

It never came.

Timidly, you opened your eyes to see yourself suspended in mid-air, inches above the treetops. Non-existent ropes tightened around you and began to pull you vertically through the air. The invisible power brought your body up to hover outside of the open window.

The Commander stared at you through the open glass. His expression was blank.

You put together what had just happened.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" you screamed at him. The snow that was beginning to accumulate on your cheeks promptly melted and rolled down your face. "You sadistic, psychotic MOTHERFUCKER!"

The ropes tightened around you, pinning your arms to your sides.

"What was that, pet?" The Commander was calm. Although his eyes were on you, it felt as though he was staring straight through you. "I can't really hear you from here."

Your body still levitated three stories high. You shook from the cold. The below freezing temperature began to creep beneath your thin flight suit. The leather jacket you were wearing was no match for the subzero wind chill of Starkiller.

He flexed his fingers and brought you closer to the opening of the window. He looked your shivering body up and down.

"I think you need to learn some respect, Little One."

"W-what the hell a-are you talking about?" Your teeth chattered. "B-bring me inside."

His face remained blank as he leaned out the window.


You glared. "Fuck you."

As you spoke your body began to slowly float down towards the base of the building.

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