Little Girl

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**TW**: NSFW, dom/sub energy, choking, dubious consent, orgasm denial, emotional distress, Force use, internal discussion of trauma

You awoke to the sound of your alarm buzzing on the beside table. Rolling over, you touched the surface of the pad and silenced the screeching.

Running your hands over the sheets, you noticed the linens were suspiciously nice. You sat up straight in bed and looked around frantically. It took a moment for you to remember where you were.

Commander Ren's ship.

You quickly got out of bed and scurried to the large window. Looking outside, you could see the planet of Chandrila. It was beautiful. Green, lush and glistening with small bodies of water. The morning sun was just beginning to touch the surface.

You recognized the feeling growing inside. Excitement.

You found yourself actually motivated to begin the patrol. This planet would certainly be more scenic than what you were used to, and you welcomed the change of pace.

You immediately decided to view this "punishment" as an opportunity. You were going to try to enjoy the new scenery and embrace the luxury of the Command Shuttle.

How many first-year pilots got to be stationed out of a Commander's private ship? You couldn't imagine it was very many.

Besides, even though the situation wasn't ideal, this was an excellent opportunity to impress the Commander and earn his trust. Perhaps one day, he could be an ally in your leadership candidacy.

Or an ally for your plan.

Since exiting General Hux's office, you'd completely forgotten about your proposal.

Before Commander Ren had commandeered your meeting, you had intended to pitch the General your plan for the TIEs to train offensively.

Staring out the window at Chandrila, you found yourself suddenly thankful for the change of plans. Your idea required permission from management to study the TIE archives for combative procedures and permission to practice them freely. General Hux was no longer your only access to First Order leadership.

Who better to endorse your proposal than the pilot who had inspired it? Watching Commander Ren in the Silencer had been the catalyst for your idea in the first place. Surely he didn't want to be the only decent combat pilot in the First Order.

Just maybe...if you did well on his special mission, you could earn his trust. Then when the time was right, you could bring your proposal to him.

He will never help you.

The thought rapidly engulfed your mind. Although pessimistic, it was probably true. From your brief interaction with Commander Ren, you could tell he wasn't the listening type.

Sighing, you turned away from the window and walked to the dresser. You pulled out a clean set of clothes and made your way into the refresher.

The private refresher mirrored the elegant, minimalistic style of the main room: concrete floors, white walls and black fixtures. A tall glass-enclosed shower was against the right wall, while a large soaking tub sat in the far left of the room, facing another large window. A black vanity was situated in the center of the far wall. Walking towards it, you saw your reflection in the circular mirror above the sink.


The bruising around your neck had turned a dark burgundy color overnight. Small black and blue splotches intermingled with the wine-colored handprint.

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