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**TW**: NSFW!! Blood warning, TOTALLY 1000% NSFW. Unless you work for OnlyFans and then it might be cool idk use your discretion but I'm not liable if you get fired, Dom/sub energy, rough sex, semi-public sex, semi-public embarrassment, discussion of being watched during sex, SPICE without warning, emotional manipulation, emotional distress, men are assholes, WOMEN are assholes, slightly more than VERY problematic, inappropriate force use, actual appropriate force use, guys kylo is kind of nice but you will still be mad at him probably, kylo makes us sad but also happy, we make kylo sad but also happy, this one will have you questioning if you've ever actually loved anyone, I kind of cried writing this one AGAIN, it gave me chills tho, this story has fucked up my life, are we in love or nah, do we tell him or nah, we actually DON'T fight, BUT sometimes fighting is more comfortable than communication so get ready to be uncomfortable, abandonment issues, my therapist was only moderately concerned this one, y/n is kind of trying to be a better person and figure out wtf she wants, y/n is an actually a BADDIE in this one, she redeems herself, her arc is forming nicely, she is hot af so if you're hetero you may have some BIPANIC if you don't already, at least I did, steer clear if you struggle with toxic relationships/sexual situations that come from toxicity, he continues to fuck us up emotionally, but we DEFINITELY fuck him up emotionally in this one, we drop a major bomb on his life, Y/N may think of dying for like one quick second, but she gets her shit together real quick, but then she kind of spirals in a dark and kind of sexy way idk, there is blood in this, y/n may or may not cut herself idk, y/n may or may not be slowly loosing her mind, this one is hard emotionally but also kind of rewarding emotionally, y/n will literally figure out how she feels, y/n doesn't know what love is, OR DOES SHE, kylo doesn't know what love is, OR DOES HE, y/n is indecisive, BUT IS SHE, she definitely used someone else to figure her shit out towards kylo so that's pretty fucked up, probably some secondhand embarrassment here, definitely some daddy issues here, pretty sure a praise kink is developing there is a fighting scene but for training purposes, there is some choking in this one, but who is being choked idk no spoilers, Y/n pops off and maybe hurts people idk, she's a bad bitch but is she crazy idk, there is a ton of self reflection here, talks of killing people, bloodlust idk, kylo will disappoint you at the end but also what did we expect, also it's kind of sweet because at this point we know he has issues with this shit and is trying his best, it is STILL somehow satisfying tho, this chapter is SPICY and spicy from the beginning, I don't give you time to prep for it so I hope you're ready, plz have water close, it is super hot and also sweet and after reading this one your normal life will never be enough sorry....

Ok, so I lied. But now I mean it....seriously, this is the last chapter drop for at least the next two weeks LOLOL. I need to study but what can I say, this story is a coping mechanism.

Anyways, this chapter is a HUGE one for Y/N. I've been building her to this for a while so it shouldn't come as a surprise. She will make some important decisions that will continue her dark-side arc. So get ready to enjoy seeing her finally take ownership of her mind and her power! There a MAJOR turning point in this one for our fucked up couple and it will be equally as satisfying as it is frustrating. Try to trust the process, and understand that preserving Kylo's character is vital to the progression of Y/N's journey. After this one, you'll be DYING to know what our galactic refrigerator is thinking, and I promise you'll find out! The next chapter will have 'KYLO'S POV' in it!

ALSO: CAST UPDATE FOR THIS ONE...for the unmasked Vicrul, I imagine Liam Hemsworth.

LAST THING: The song for this chapter is... 'I warned Myself' by Charlie Puth If you read it and then listen to this song, you may quit your job and leave your family in search of a relationship like this one....So you've been warned.

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