Sink... (Pt 1)

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AN*** This is it! The beginning of the end! I'm crying happy tears and I'm SO sorry for splitting the finale up but it needed to happen (this part alone is 12,000 words)! The wait won't be long for the second part. I'm planning to have it out before the end of July.

PS: No TW section for the finale chapters because I don't want to spoil anything! Y'all know what's up by now and let's be honest...if you've read this far you don't give af about your mental health.

Go check out the fic's playlist on Spotify because it is TOP TIER and if you don't already, go follow me on Instagram for all my writing updates! Insta handle is the same as on here (@simpremeleader) and Spotify link is up on my Wattpad page under "conversations".

<3 HAPPY READING<3 ily all! Please let me know what you think! ***END AN


***Y/N'S POV***


"You heard me." He stated calmy. "I said go."

You felt the oxygen leave your body as his words seemed to puncture your lungs, draining the air from your chest.


"You heard me." His face hardened. "I said go."

You gathered what was left of your stamina and glared in his direction. "Kylo, I'm not leaving." You snapped. "Why are you saying this?"

He inhaled deeply and moved closer to you. You could see the wheels turning violently in his mind. You could almost feel the conflict raging inside
of him. His emotion was tangible to you in a way you hadn't felt before.

He was going to try and push you away again. He was going to tell you that you were nothing. He was going to tell you that he didn't love you, and that he never had. He was going to destroy you, one final time.

The thought was fleeting as you looked into his eyes.

He was going to try.

But if he did, his attempt would be in vain. Because you felt his secret emotion like it was your own. As he moved closer, you could nearly hear him arguing with himself. You could nearly hear the words bouncing around in his mind.

You realized that for the first time, it didn't matter what came out of his mouth. He could tell you that he hated you. He could tell you that he would use you again, over and over and never care for you. He could tell you that you were nothing.

He could say anything he wanted.

But you wouldn't believe him.

His emotion was uncovered and raw, seeping out from his body like blood from an undressed wound. You watched his face as he felt what you felt. You saw the moment he realized that lying to you was no longer an option. He was exposed with nowhere to hide. Trapped with nothing to set him free.

Nothing except the truth.

You held your breath as he reached out and grabbed your waist, pulling you into him softly. He brought his hand up to your face and looked over it thoughtfully, as if he were trying to memorize your every feature.

You narrowed your gaze, trying your best to hide your nervous confusion as tears began to pool behind your eyes.

"I'm giving you the chance I never had." He spoke. "Go find yourself. Go live your life exactly the way you want. Leave the First Order behind. Leave the Resistance behind. Leave Snoke behind..." He paused. "Leave me behind."

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