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**TW**: NSFW!! Blood/wound warning, uncool but also cool lightsaber stuff, TOTALLY 1000000% NSFW. Unless you work for the Hub and then it is probably on point, idk use your discretion but you may get fired, Dom/sub energy, BUT NOT WHAT YOU THINK, rough sex, SPICE, so much spice, but so much plot at the same time, emotional manipulation, emotional distress, men are assholes, WOMEN are assholes, slightly more than VERY problematic, inappropriate force use, actual appropriate force use, this one will have you questioning if you've ever actually enjoyed sex, this story has fucked up my life so much that I think about it all day, we are def still in love but in denial, get ready to be uncomfortable, abandonment issues, my therapist is so invested that no cap...she told me she made a Wattpad account and is legit one of you guys now,  y/n is still a BADDIE in this one, her arc is forming nicely, she is hot so beware of BIPANIC, steer clear if you struggle with toxic relationships/sexual situations that come from toxicity, we DEFINITELY fuck him up emotionally in this one, there is blood in this, y/n may or may not be slowly loosing her mind, this one is hard emotionally but also kind of rewarding emotionally, y/n will literally face some old demons and things from her past, and there is more to come, it will be crazy, connections will be made, plot twists galore are otw, awkward and uncomfortable family shit, talks of family death, uncomfortable conversations, we have to talk to Marco, can't put that off anymore, she definitely used someone else to figure her shit out towards kylo and then dipped for weeks so that's pretty fucked up and now we have to start dealing with it, probably some secondhand embarrassment here, DADDY ISSUES will be raging in this one, her literal dad is in this chapter, there is some choking in this one, but who is being choked idk no spoilers, Y/n pops off, she's a bad bitch but is she crazy idk, there is a ton of self reflection here, talks of killing people and torturing people, bloodlust fo sho, grooming fo sho, kylo has issues with this shit and is trying his best, it is STILL somehow satisfying tho, lots of karma here but SEXY karma, payback is a hot bitch, this chapter is SPICY and will do things to you so I hope you're ready, there is SO MUCH plot in this and the smut is at the end but worth it, plz have water close, it is super hot and also sweet and after reading this one you will absolutely be wanting to have sex, sorry about that....but that's what the warnings are for, right? So go ahead and text them.


--- Ok ya'll, time to drop this bomb. This book is officially NOT occurring before the canon sequels. Originally, that was my plan. But I love Kyber and Kylo so much that I want them to have their own universe/story. HOWEVER....My original idea is still BOMB AF. So when this book is over, I'll be writing an alternate ending/storyline for Tied Together that will pick up from an undisclosed chapter and WILL precede the sequels. It will be my original ending for this story! So we will be getting the best of both worlds...quite literally.  ;) ----

**The song for this chapter is: "Loved By You" By Justin Bieber.....Also if you don't follow this Fic's playlist on Spotify, go check it out! It will CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Not exaggerating. Here is the URL.

**This chapter is full of plot and some of my favorite smut yet. Hope you like it! As always, I CRAVE your thoughts and feedback! PLEASE comment as you go and let me know how you're feeling! I read and appreciate all of them.

Ok, happy reading. Love you all! <3

You sheathed the dark blade and clipped the saber onto your hip before taking one last look through the paneled, glass floor.

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