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**TW**: NSFW, but not that bad comparatively, nice and fluffy for once, fighting, panic attack, description of a literal panic attack, things on fire, arson trigger maybe, definitely manipulation vibes, discussion of grooming,  emotional manipulation but not in the way you think, emotional distress, men are assholes, WOMEN are assholes, slightly more than problematic, this is not a happy one but also not exactly sad, this story has fucked up my life, we are in love, get ready to be uncomfortable, abandonment issues, my therapist got to read it first and she is shook about the plot and tries to guess each time and is always wrong, she is invested, y/n is a baddie in this one again, she is hot, steer clear if you struggle with toxic relationships/sexual tension that come from toxicity, we need a seatbelt because of the rollercoaster this man has put us on, kylo and y/n may or may not be slowly losing their minds, Kylo legit can not use his words, he doesn't know how to express himself, this one could be hard emotionally but very rewarding at the end no spoilers tho, DADDY ISSUES GALORE, family issues galore, Y/n is lowkey mean to a character that we like, y/n is losing real relationships, discussion of sexism/sexual harassment/discussion of the general discomfort women feel from existing, praise kink fo sho, there is a TON of self reflection here, like so much self reflection it is uncomfortable and may feel like a personal attack, I felt attacked here, I attacked myself with this reflection, it will probably awaken emotions inside of you, bloodlust for sure, plot heavy for sure, after this I dare you to guess the ending because you're probably <3 wrong<3

***Hey babes! Sorry for the wait on this one! The plot tapestry is a long one to weave! Lol. I am shooting for 25 chapters total, and this is number 22! So the story will be wrapping up soon-ish! You'll see things get a little messier before they get better, but I promise we will have a satisfying ending! (I didn't say happy, I said satisfying...;)....)

***I don't have a single song for this chapter, but I have been adding to the Fic's playlist like crazy. Plz go check it out if you haven't already! URL is below! Also...can someone copy the link to the playlist into the comment section on this line? To save the next queen some time? Y'all are the best.       https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3KrqpKWgN7VxFV0p96dcZx?si=53549cfd11a44c92

***As always, YA GIRL NEEDS AFFIRMATION AND INPUT. So please don't hesitate to comment as you go and let me know what you think! 

I welcome feedback of ANY kind! If you aren't comfortable commenting, you can also reach my DMs on here, or on Instagram and Tiktok. Handle is (at symbol) SimpremeLeader! HAPPY READING<3

He sat like a monument in the pilot's seat, silent and still as you knelt beside him, gently cleaning the wound on his thigh.

"Does this hurt?" You asked quietly as you worked over the small, red 'K' with a cotton swab.

He brought his hand up to brush over your shoulder, lightly pushing your hair away and letting his fingers trail along your collarbone. You looked up at him instinctively, meeting his deep gaze. In the dim, red light of the cockpit, his hazel eyes looked a darker shade of auburn. You felt for a moment, that the ominous crimson glow of the small space was originating from his irises, and not from the windshield. His eyes seemed to burn into you, tracing over your own and excavating any emotion from the surface of your features.

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