The Choice

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**TW**: Battle, blood, fire, things blowing up, thoughts of death, suicidal thoughts, betrayal, manipulation, friends may die idk, family may die idk, death in general idk, literally talking about death, this one may fuck up your week, THIS ONE IS SAD. OK? I AM TELLING YOU NOW, but cute sad, stressful events, emotional manipulation but not in the way you think, emotional distress, men are assholes, WOMEN are assholes, slightly more than problematic, this story has fucked up my life to the point where I am crying everyday, we are in love, get ready to be uncomfortable, abandonment issues, my therapist is still MIA and I tried a new one but she is not as good and doesn't know what Wattpad is, she thinks I'm a weirdo, I mean I am but stfu about it, Beck if you're reading this plz call me back I can pay you more, y/n is a baddie in this one again but not the whole time, she is hot, steer clear if you struggle with toxic relationships/sexual tension that comes from toxicity, a seatbelt is not enough for this carnival ride, we are about to get wrecked, kylo is horrible with communication, Kylo legit can not use his words, BUT CAN HE?, he doesn't know how to express himself, BUT DOES HE?, this one brings kylo full circle, this one could be hard emotionally and physically, but there are cute moments tho, DADDY ISSUES raging, family issues for sure, Y/n is mean, y/n is losing real relationships, sweet moments that will rip your soul out, plot heavy for sure but still sexy, no smut in this one but a shit ton of FLUFFY FLUFF, no spoilers but it's the kind of fluff you've been waiting on, but it's sad sorry, ONLY SAD FOR NOW THO, so much foreshadowing in this, the ending WILL BE HAPPY I PROMISE, don't cancel me.

**AN: I am crying actual tears as I publish this one. I know the wait was long, but this is almost 16,000 words and the second to last chapter! Just ONE more to go! Thank you all so much for reading! This story is so special to me and each and every one of you has given me the inspiration and motivation to write it. This community is amazing and I appreciate you all so much! I'm expecting the final chapter to take a while, and estimate the beginning of July for the finale drop!

There are multiple POV changes in this chapter with some timing changes so PLEASE pay attention to the headers!  As always, I love the comments and feedback! I read every single one so keep them coming! HAPPY READING<3

**The song for this chapter is "Little Did I Know" by Julia Michaels. PLEASE LISTEN TO IT before and after you read. I promise you will cry and rethink whatever relationship you are currently in. 


***KYLO'S POV***


He watched the elevator door slide shut, leaving him alone with Ap'lek as the lift began to move upwards.

He tried to focus on the coming conflict. The upcoming conversation with the Supreme Leader couldn't possibly mean anything good for him. But as he tried to center his mind, one thing continued to dominate his thoughts.

The expression that had slipped over her face as the elevator door had separated them.

Her fucking pout...

Her face had dropped to it immediately. He pictured her again. He pictured the sadness that had fallen over her features as she had realized she wouldn't be coming up with them. He pictured the worry and the confusion that had settled into the creases over her brow.

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