A Lesson

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**TW**: NSFW!! Dom/sub energy, extremely dubious consent, blood, orgasm denial, rough sex, sexual harassment, emotional distress, alcohol abuse, Force use, y/n thinks of death, description of abuse/trauma, discussion of sexual assault, men are assholes, men with bad tempers, slightly more than problematic, kylo is mean to us, kylo literally hits us, he actually spits on us, we bleed, aftercare kind of but not really, guys kylo is not nice in this one either, he hurts us, we are degraded, he breaks into our room, stranger danger, we drink a lot of alcohol, we have unhealthy coping mechanisms, I need professional help after writing this

**don't read this if you are in a tender mental state plz **

If you choose to read, please comment and let me know what you think!

<3 Love you all! Stay safe!

It was only morning and you needed a beer.

You'd spent the entire night pacing in your room trying to wrap your mind around the events of the past few days. You were mentally and emotionally drained.

You couldn't deny that last night had gotten really, really out of control. You had replayed it over and over in your head trying to understand how the fuck you lost yourself that quickly.

How could you have so impulsively given yourself over to a man who consistently tried to kill you?

A man who had serious anger management issues and a compulsive need to control everything around him, including you.

A man whose face you'd never even seen...

And you'd given him the impression that he owned you...

You grimaced in the mirror as you brushed your teeth. You had called him Master.

You got angry all over again as you remembered the pointless 12-hour patrol you'd done the day before. He had already found the escape pod, on the first day.

Why had he not told you? Why did he let you continue circling the goddamned planet for hours upon end?

You had all the intentions of demanding answers from him once you saw him again.

Before packing away your things on the vanity, you decided to put on makeup for your return to Starkiller. Thankfully the handprint around your neck was fading and it only took a small amount of cover up to hide. You ran through your typical routine but decided to wear your hair down. Sleeping in the tight braids had left it to fall in waves.

Back in the main room you folded the Commander's cape and blanket and left them on the bed. Bags packed and flight suit on, you searched the room for your boots.

And then you remembered.

You'd kicked them off in the cockpit the night before while under the command of your Master.

Fucking perfect.

You grabbed your bags and began the walk of shame up to the flight deck and prayed to the Gods you wouldn't run into the Commander. As you rounded the first turn out of the hallway, you nearly smacked into MD-80.

The black droid jumped backward. "Oh my..." He straightened quickly. "I was just coming to see if you were awake." He glanced down at your socked feet. "May I take your bags, Mistress?"

You handed your luggage over. "Why do you call me that?" you snapped.

He blinked. "I-It is my protocol to be forthcoming and proper in-"

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