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**TW**: NSFW!! absolutely not safe for any work environment, literally you will be fired on the spot probably, dubious consent, Dom/sub energy, extremely detailed sexual encounters, rough sex, degradation, sexual harassment, emotional distress, Force use, men are assholes, men with bad tempers, slightly more than very problematic, kylo is mean to us, kylo chokes us but in a sexy way this time, kylo is very emotionally manipulative tho, guys kylo is not nice, he hurts us internally this time, aftercare kind of but not really, he doesn't punch us but this is somehow worse idk, he is using us like crazy and we are too dumb to see it because he's hot as shit, trust issues probably, daddy issues definitely

Guys this one is rough emotionally. Kylo takes us on a fucking emotional rollercoaster. If you have issues with that you probably shouldn't read this and no hard feelings<3

....Otherwise, please keep your arms and legs inside the coaster at all times. And as always the comments and feedback are everything to me<3 I get so excited to see them!

**Alexa, play 'River' by Bishop Briggs** ----- No lie this is the theme song for this chapter. If you imagine the rain scene when the beat drops it will send you into the stratosphere <3 that's all **

You wobbled down the hallway and past the Knights. Your stormtroopers were waiting on you past the door, but only two of them. You assumed they had begun taking shifts.

Fuck it all.

You'd forgotten about them. How were you supposed to get away if you had constant supervision?

Your bare feet pattered against the cold floor and you quickly regretted not taking the extra time to grab your shoes.

Trying to formulate a plan, you shuffled quickly around the corridors and into the main shuttle.

Thanks to the lateness of the hour, it wasn't overly crowded. However, the few people you did pass looked at you like you were an exhibit.

You imagined how you must have looked.

Bruised and beaten, stormtroopers on your heels, and moving painfully in clothes that were obviously not yours...all while barefoot.

You knew it wasn't a good look. People would be talking about it tomorrow.

But you didn't give a fuck. You'd be long gone by then.

Your stormtroopers followed you all the way into the hallway outside your door.

This would be harder than you thought. 

Once alone inside your room you sent Avery a message on your datapad.


Message 001486

SENT 0015

Sender: Avery Y/L/N

SOS. I know its late, but I need you.

You awake?


Ignoring the pain in your side, you tossed the data pad on the bed and moved into the closet, grabbing a random assortment of clothing and stuffing it into a large duffle bag you had stashed in the corner.

In the refresher you grabbed your toiletries and a first aid kit, adding them to your duffle. You hobbled into the kitchen and packed a small bag of snacks. A knock at the door made you jump, you dropped the bag of food on the floor.

The Commander? You froze.

Wait, no...he'd never knock.

You went to open the door.

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