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**TW**: NSFW!! Dom/sub energy, potential emotional manipulation, emotional distress, men are assholes, WOMEN are assholes, men with bad tempers, WOMEN with bad tempers, slightly more than very VERY problematic, guys kylo is actually kind of nice but not really, kylo makes us sad but also happy, we make kylo sad but also happy, this one is really heavy emotionally, I kind of cried writing this one again, why do I cry every time?, does he love us or is he a dick? maybe both, we don't know, WAIT DO WE KNOW?, we don't find out, OR DO WE?, we fight, there is yelling and cursing and gaslighting and really hot sexual tension that comes from fighting but is not healthy at all, marriage story but make it starwars and hot, abandonment issues, my therapist actually didn't mind this one, y/n is kind of trying to be a better person and figure out wtf she wants, kind of worse than the physical abuse idk, steer clear if you struggle with toxic relationships/ verbal altercations/fighting/sexual situations that come from fighting, he continues to fuck us up emotionally, but also do we fuck him up emotionally? maybe some alcohol abuse in this one idk, drinking to feel better idk, Y/N may think of dying for like one quick second, guys they really need to see a counselor, they really need help communicating, this one is hard mentally y'all, y/n will literally figure out who she loves, y/n doesn't know what love is, kylo doesn't know what love is, SOMEONE else does tho, love triangle is in full affect here, y/n is indecisive, but is she tho?, she may or may not use someone else to figure her shit out, probably some secondhand embarrassment here, this contains some of the cutest moments ever written, but then I'll rip your heart out sorry, but then I'll put it back together, we do get a satisfying kylo/y/n moment for once as they start to not be assholes, do y'all even read these fucking notes or am I wasting my time idk, love u anyways tho.......

****This one is super long (the longest yet) and kind of stressful emotionally, but I think it is probably the "happiest" one so far... to an extent lol. I would consider this a "filler" chapter to cover some important internal struggles that Y/N is having as she tries to understand her true feelings. We also get to see Kylo struggle with his own emotions instead of suppressing them for once. We also get to see their character development grow to foster some semi-healthy communication. The next few chapters I have planned are WILD...so enjoy this soft boi while you can<3 his walls will not be down forever.

***Twice in one week? SURPRISE! I'll be MIA for the rest of the week for airline recurrent training so I've been working hard to get the chapter up early! The next one may not be out for a couple weeks depending on how much I suck at flying after 6 months off...so enjoy this double softy boi week as my way of making it up to you in advance! Also any good vibes are appreciate as I am stressed the heck out about work<3

***As always, for the first few days after posting a chapter I do nothing but read comments and cry. So any feedback means the WORLD to me! Please continue to let me know how you feel as you go!

You'd forgotten what it felt like to wake up after being fucked by Kylo Ren.

Your body ached as you rolled out of bed. Wincing as you stood to your feet, the throbbing between your legs reminded you quickly of the night before.

You sighed as you moved into the refresher, rolling through your routine quickly as you got ready for another day in insolation. You changed clothes, noting the absence of blood in your underwear. Your period was ending.

At least one good thing had come from the week.

You weren't fucking pregnant.

You sulked down the stairs and turned the coffee pot on. As you sat at the island watching the coffee drip you let your mind drift to him.

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