The Meeting

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***TW***: Force use, choking, oxygen deprivation, blatant sexism, verbal sexual harassment, men being dicks

Your standoff with Commander Ren had left you feeling exhausted and emotionally drained. You couldn't wait to get up to your studio and throw yourself into bed, but you waited a few extra moments before leaving the hangar. You didn't want to run the risk of encountering the masked leader in the hallway or on the main shuttle.

After a few moments you deemed the coast clear and made your way out of the hangar. The main hallway was busier now as workers were preparing for the first shift of the day. Not wanting a conversation, you walked with your eyes pointed at the floor.

The door of the shuttle was so close. Just get to your room. You thought.

You were almost there when you heard the familiar, cold voice.

"Ahh Kyber, pilot of 6B6...perfect timing."

Your heart skipped a beat. Captain Crichton was standing in front of the shuttle access, blocking you from entering.

Your head snapped up. "Captain! What a pleasure to see you again so soon." You gave him a weak smile, trying your best to hide the anxiety building in your chest.

His face remained unchanged. "Officer, your commlink was functional this morning, no?" He looked directly into your eyes. "Because it would appear that you failed to hear my command to return to Starkiller immediately upon mission completion."

Your confidence returned as you registered his arrogance. Anger boiled up from somewhere deep in your subconscious. "Sir, with all due respect...I felt the situation required additional observation." Not backing down, you straightened your shoulders. "It turns out, I was right."

He clenched his jaw as he looked down on you. "Right or not Officer, you still disobeyed a direct order from your Captain. I am issuing you another Demerit, level 3."

He smirked, evidently enjoying his power. "I'm sure you understand what that means for you?"

Of course you knew. Receiving two Demerits in one day earned you a one-way ticket to General Hux's office.

You'd never met the General before, but Marco had. From his testimony, you knew that Hux was a hard ass with a wild temper. A meeting with him could only result in one thing. Severe disciplinary action.

After his own meeting, Marco had been forced to run three consecutive 24-hour patrols without a single minute of rest. It was cruel and unusual punishment, but from what you had heard, that was standard for General Hux.

Your anger was no longer subtle. You thought about why you had remained behind, trying to remember why you had felt so compelled to stay. Commander Ren slipped into your mind and you nearly cursed out loud.

I should have just let the bastard die.

But you didn't, you had stayed and warned him.

And now you had to accept the consequences of your actions. Glaring at the Captain, you decided not to push him further. "I understand, Sir. I apologize for my actions."

He remained unphased by your sudden and hostile submission. "Good. You will receive the meeting details within the hour. Until then, you are dismissed." He stalked down the hallway before you could reply.

Within the hour? So much for going back to bed. You scoffed as you boarded the shuttle, pressing the button to direct it towards your housing common area.

You watched the hangars blur by, as the shuttle hurtled parallel to the main hallway. Holding back the tears that threatened to spill, you tried to focus on the positives.

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